Feb 11, 2010 19:33
I'm really glad people are coming back to their blogging roots with livejournal. Here's some news, but not really. So I've been working a shit ton lately, like 58 hours a week, shit ton. It's good, making that cash money. I've been trying to lay low this week and I'm doing a 50/50 job at it thus far. I had no plans of going out tonight, until Ania called me to tell me she wanted to hang out for her birthday tonight and tomorrow. I can't pass that up, I love that girl way too much to not go out. I have been drinking a lot lately, maybe that's not news, but normally I'm able to go a couple days in a week with out hitting the bottle. Eh, fuck it.
My life really is starting to level out though. It was pretty rocky in the fall time. I've been mildly motivated lately too. I've been writing a lot, which is awesome. I need to never stop writing. I've been jamming with Steve and I have to say, me on harmonica, and Steve on guitar, is a pretty fucking amazing combo.
So lately, I've also had a thing for a girl. I'm about to get 16 on you guys who read this for just a second, this is what livejournal is for. I've hung out with this girl for literally everyday for about a month straight. I've always known she was an amazing person, but I never thought of her as anything mnore than a friend until I was with her everyday. She's kind of the reason I started getting motivated to write again and to do various other things. She brings a smile to my face that I never thought I'd see again. The feeling she leaves me with is absolutely unbelievable. I won't lie when I say I haven't felt this way about a girl since the Sarah days... Like the good Sarah days. In fact, I feel more for this girl then I ever did with Sarah. I know that seems insane, but it's really true. So I decided to try and act on it... It's didn't happen for me. But it was casual. Nothing has changed between us and that is great. I'm not a fan of the act like it never happened play, but that's kind of the way it's going right now. In all honesty, I was going about the whole situation very well, until the very end. I took some bad advice and kind of just shoved it in her face one night, on the phone, while she was on her period... Stupid. It sucks, but it's going to be okay. The whole thing is, she has no idea how I really feel. She knows, I wanted to see her, but at the same time, I don't think she took me very seriously. I didn't even really take myself seriously. So that's my fuck up there. We still hang out a lot, but not as much as before, because of other circumstances. I never thought I had much of a chance, but the little chance I did think I had, I think I still have. But I have to play it slow for right now. I was very rushed to get an answer the last round, so of course I got the answer I didn't want to hear. But at the same time, it did calm me down a little. I still can't get this girl off my mind. It's ridiculous. There is only a grand total of 3 other girls in my 25 years on this earth that I have felt this strongly for, and out of the 4 of them, I feel the strongest for her...
So there's my "16 year old, I have a crush" rant. That felt good though, I needed to get that out. Peace. -Briskey-