Apr 11, 2005 13:08
Today is such a crappy day.
I'm getting my hair cut at 2:30, though. Yay.
To whomever it concerns: get the fuck over it. Stop playing victim. Everyone gets hurt, everyone feels used, but only assholes use it as an excuse to hold onto anger. So you feel as if I've taken advantage of you! Let it go! I apologized and meant it, and that's all I can do. You don't hurt anyone but yourself if you act like some waxing-innocent, calculating martyr, though I know this is hard to believe seeing as how you treat what I did and didn't do as the ultimate travesty against the Immaculate Greatness that is You.
I don't think it's wrong to forgive yourself before others forgive you, especially after you've supposedly made ammends with the wronged. Well, guess what: I've forgiven myself. You might want to try it some time, because the longer you hold onto your animosity, the more and more you seem, well, pretty pathetic.