
Nov 05, 2006 16:58

so im having some bleeding AGAIN. im really sick of having all these different things happen to me that get me all woried and what not about the baby.it sucks, cuz then i have to call my doctor, wait for her to call back, just for her to tell me that its nothing to worry about unless it gets worse and to take it easy. maybe i worry too much.

well dustin and i had a heart to heart last night about pretty much all the problems that we've had with each other, and we talked them out, and he ACTUALLY opened up and told me how he felt about certain issues, and now i think it will get much better between us. its really important that we have an extreemly strong relationship before the baby's born because i know that we will be stressed with baby stuff and dont need to take it out on each other cuz that will only lead to disaster.

i found out that the reason for my rash and itchyness was that i had a really really REALLY bad case of lice. i mean they were crawling out of my hair onto my clothes and everything. needless to say, i took care of that. but boy did i feel gross. i mean it was innocent how i got them, lil siblings go to school, come home with them, use my brush, no one checks my hair. and BOOM there i gat em, had them for quite some time before we found out, so they were pretty bad. but i have only had some itching, probably from the previous bites. and hopefully it will clear up soon

one last thing, i got a new doctor, a female one, shes much nicer, and much more helpful, on the 22nd i should find out what the baby is, pending the hyper little bugger can stop moving long enough to see. and thanksgiving i should be spending with my dad's familly. so im happy about that, although dustin is rather nervous lol

well that is all
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