Oct 23, 2010 02:02
"Oavsett vad du ger en kvinna så kommer hon att ge dig någonting bättre. Ger du henne en spermie ger hon dig ett barn. Ger du henne ett recept ger hon dig ett mål mat. Ger du henne ett hus ger hon dig ett hem. Ger du henne ett leende ger hon dig sitt hjärta. Hon multiplicerar och förstorar allt oavsett vad du ger. Så....... om du ger henne någon skit så kan du förvänta dig ett helvete tillbaka!!"
"Regardless of what you give a woman, she will give you something better. If you give her a sperm she will give you a child. If you give her a recipe she will give you a meal. If you giver her a house she will give you a home. If you giver her a smile she will give you her heart. She will multiply and grow everything no matter what you give. So... if you give her shit you can expect hell back!!"
I received this sms from a woman who is quite dear to me, colourful and strong, to me she embodies the empowered woman in many ways. And yet she sends me this, which on closer inspection turns out to consistently paint a woman as someone who will simply react to what you offer her, rather than be an agent in her own right, or her reactions depending on any other thing but her womanhood. (Such as, would any random woman want to cook for you, just because you handed them a recipe?) I was surprised.
I guess there are many memes floating around in the guise of "female empowerment" where it's sort of tricky to spot that they're really just about gilding the cage from the inside...