Last night I had one of those dreams where you realize you're dreaming, and from then on can control the plot a whole lot more than usually. Among other things I could "fix" my hair after this weird shower thing had turned it blonde and make it dark purple because "This is my dream and I can have whatever hair I want" *grins* it wasn't entirely even, but it was dark ;)
It seems to have been not quite as restful as normal dreams though, because I slept several hours longer than I usually do this morning.
After I'd finally woken up we went to
Nolia where we got a few neat things, such as an awesomly cute pair of toe-socks that this seller randomly gave me, just for trying them on so he could see how far up they went. O_o Pictures tomorrow.
In the evening we went to a fairly new asian restaurant with my family (which includes
eoeo) and a few of brother's friends. The service was a bit slow, but one can't really blame them, they seemed horribly understaffed for an evening that was probably a lot busier than their usual...
After hanging out with a pair of friends, seeing there newly moved into apartment, it was finally time for the highlight of the evening...
EMP doing their biggest and coolest show to date! I love these people... seriously...
Off to bed now!