So I know people are into the 'standing desk' and other odes to standing. I've never quite understood the appeal, I'm into sitting, in general. But I am used to standing/walking all day teaching, it doesn't particularly bug me, I feel comfortable - but I do get really stiff. Which doesn't seem fair, it seems like I should be 'warmed up' and ready for running, just walking around all day. But I'm not, and it doesn't - and, for whatever reason today, I just never sat down. It was small to tall, but I got there early for premier and then there was just lots of waiting around - and I just didn't sit. And then when I tried to run, yeah, I was pretty sad today. The lesson being, don't stand around all day when you don't have to.
Had fun at the trial today, despite some silly handling mistakes. Not being able to trial does help make it feel more special! We didn't make it on Friday because of the ice storm, unfortunately. And then more snow possible tomorrow - ha! At least I'm not entered tomorrow, which is why I assume the snow won't actually materialize. Fun to see all the baby dogs doing SO WELL, especially some dogs that had been having a harder time - so many great runs and amazing improvement. Agility really does make me happy.
The biggest news on the day, Navarre could WEAVE! Admittedly he popped at 10 on jumpers, but it wasn't because he had no rhythm, he was driving through the poles in both runs like he knew what he was doing. Footwork problem magically fixed! Well, at least for today - would have loved to have run those three runs yesterday, dang it.
Of course, Navarre has reverted to being a floaty sightseer - running around jumps and just not really connected as he had been at the last trial. More like his earlier trials, so that was a surprise. He just felt really green and gooberish, but having a good time. Fell off the table again. Maybe someone should train that. Love running with him, good thing I love baby dogs, as he's going to be one for a while.
Look at those weaves! And then you can stop watching, as it's downhill from there. But, hey, weaves!
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Not shockingly, Bright was SO HAPPY, and I'm getting used to this. It's really like running a baby dog! Fun though, her issues were mostly me being pokey today. I thought I could send her ahead down a big arc of jumps in premier - but she took me too literally and took one from the backside - she's too international for international, apparently. Standard I totally forgot I was going to blind cross until it was too late, which didn't stop me from attempting it anyway. That's okay, Bright missed her dogwalk - I'll call that one even. ;-) And jumpers we actually didn't do anything goofy. I'd like to think if we had actually gotten to GO to the AKC trials we entered this year we would have gotten our AKC groove back.
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Look, an AKC jumpers course!
And Haku got to play some obedience in the warm up ring - if we ever have to do go-outs in THIS ring, we would do well. He really has mastered the spread out version of directed jumping. Just imagine an agility ring where the only thing there is two jumps, that's the distance he CAN do. At least, in this venue. Because we've practiced here a lot. He was sitting up on his signals today, one early sit on his directed jumping, one wrong jump - but, overall, pretty good. Louder, perhaps, then he should be. A-hem.
One soggy, muddy, filthy day - somehow makes me feel all nostalgic. So many soggy, muddy trials at Ridgefield, especially with London. That dog knew how to get dirty. Always had a good time though, and we had a good time today too.
Did get the dogs adjusted today. May I say Haku is SO GOOD with this - because he's perfect. And Bright, while refusing to acknowledge that anyone is actually touching her, is actually way more relaxed these days with unapproved handling. And Navarre was being a total pill. And crazy how much more muscling he has then the other two, he's one solid boy. Haku's front and feet were all wonky, as usual - but Bright's front and upper back was really off too. I wonder about her jumping off that high bed at home. Hm. Navarre was pretty good. Ah, youth.
Yes, I saw you cruise by that jump to say hi to the judge, Navarre.
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