Rose City 2017

Jan 22, 2017 23:46

I haven't competed in agility at Rose City since Haku was running. So that was quite a while ago. It was a fun event though, London always LOVED the crowds, and it felt like a 'big event' with the ISC competition, back when ISC was still a thing. People would come from out of state, it was a big, crazy, chaotic mess and London thought it was fabulous. London never had any issues with the mats, though we didn't do too many runs. He even finished his MACH at Rose City! That was a fun weekend. It's definitely a different event these days, down to a one judge trial, it was like a ghost town there today.

Been doing agility so long I have 'Back in the day' stories. Heh. But there is one thing that never changes with Rose City - it's always the same vendors! And it is a fun event to go wander around for a bit. I thought about entering Haku in some obedience, maybe run Navarre a couple times just for exposure, but it is a huge pain to deal with the parking and crating and pottying - and it's really expensive.

They do have cozy beds there though, and as Bright is determined to squish into the cat bed I have by the fireplace, I bought her an actual Bright sized bed for her to curl up into (as opposed to squishing the cat bed). She likes it! And so do the cats, so that was worth it. Dragon says it's just big enough for him, so Bright is laying on the hard floor next to it.

Love me some Keeshond smile


These spitzy things were the cutest things I saw all day

Big softy

I have a weakness for sighthounds

Spunky young Saluki

They are so adorable

Ears away!

This is actually a dog

More sighthound love

This whippet seemed annoyed, despite the big ribbon

Vandy and Key all cleaned up and looking pretty

Bonus Pixel!
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