
Jan 05, 2017 20:09

Since I've moved in here I've had way more than my share of being stuck at home. What a crazy winter! Then this week we've had both super cold temperatures, and I have a cold too. I can't really complain, as if you're going to get sick, the time to do so is when it's too cold to do anything else anyway. Also looks like yet another storm this weekend, which will probably mean no trial due to the weather. Man, what a winter!

The dogs have been really patient about all of this, they're such good little nursemaids and have been super with doing nothing but sleeping all day. We did finally get out for a run today (okay, the dogs ran, I shuffled along and croaked at them), though it's supposed to be down to like 15 degrees tonight. Brr. Will be interesting to see if we get a real ice storm this weekend.

I didn't realize that old school type 'pet stores' still existed, that sold sad puppy mill dogs. Was in Wilsonville of all places the other day and thought it would be good for Anne's puppy to be carried around a pet store. You know, a NORMAL pet store. With pet supplies and organic free range kibble and ridiculously expensive toys. But, yeah, the 'Critter Cabana' in Wilsonville is just horrifying. They had all these dogs in these TINY plexiglass bins. Like 5 great dane puppies in a space about as big as a large crate. And they looked all horrid and missing hair and there were all sorts of labradoodles and tiny designer mixes and Great Pyrenees of all breeds. It was just the saddest, most horrifying thing - I really didn't think this sort of thing existed anymore. And all the puppy bins were open on top, so you could pet the puppies ... then pet all the other puppies. It was just a recipe for disease, those tiny living spaces and sad little puppies. And all sorts of other animals too, reptiles and birds and fish - and it did not smell good in there. And, yet, people seemed so happy to be there, and I even looked up reviews online and people were like, "What a fun place, I got to pet all the puppies!" I just thought EVERYONE knew buying puppymill petstore puppies was a BAD IDEA. Shows what I know, I suppose.
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