Jun 22, 2008 22:34
Apart from a few boxes still floating around the move to New Farm is complete. Everyone is of agreement that this place is much nicer than the old one in Taringa..... the kitchen at least sits horizontally, unlike the previous 25 degree slant previously put up with. I also appreciate the ability to go to Coles to buy the discounted bread at the end of the day, unlike Toowong where you'd have to fight with the other vultures to grab one of the 99c loaves.
Work continues with me still on this indefinite temp contract. Looking at my payslips I'm estimating that I'll just skim in under the HECS (or HELP now aparently) threshold again this financial year. Woot for that beause the tax return will go a long way to relieving my soul crushing debt and save my DVD collection from being hocked on eBay.
I know that the rest of the world is of the impression that I need to "get a real job". That would be the sensible option. I'm not good at sensible though. I'm not good at five year plans or planning career paths or taking on extra work for no extra pay to show my "commitment to the company." The corporate world is not for me I'm afraid. Not quite sure what world is for me, but I'm not quite ready to sell out just yet.