The future...

Feb 21, 2008 00:15

For a while now I've been looking for some type of direction for my future.  Not really being 100% on what I really wanted to do the past few years has lead to some lackluster attempts at job hunting and ponderings for that next thing.  Sometime in the latter half of last year I thought about going back to school for a second bachelor's in architecture or even engineering.  This phase lasted about a month or so, the wanting to be an architect or engineer, the going back to school stuck with me...or maybe it was just wanting to be back in that acedemic environment.  Lately, the theatre bug has been nibbling at me a little more ferociously every day.  I've started writing again, meagre attempts, mind you, but attempts nonetheless.  It looks as though I may be designing a local show here in the next few weeks, and probably doing the building for it as well, and that has me very excited.  I've spent a lot of hours lately at work thinking about what it is I really want to do.  It's the slow time of year for my store, so there's ample time for mindlessness.  I've come to the conclussion that I need to teach.  I taught a semester at EMU a little bit back, and in all honesty, it was probably one of the most rewarding jobs I've had.  The only real issue is my credentials don't really stack up to teach at the University level.  I can probably get in at a Community or Junior college with my degree and experience, and that would be outstanding, but I don't want to limit myself.

In the grand scheme of things I guess I always wanted to teach.  When I first started at EMU I was in the education program before theatre took hold of, yeah.  That's pretty much it.  Most likely I'm going to be heading back to school, not this fall, but hopefully in the fall of 09...I'm looking into MFA and PhD programs.  I've been researching several universities, a couple of which I've taken a real fancy to already, but I really want to take the time to find the right place and program to not only give me what I need but a place where what I have to offer will really make a difference as well.  It's all out there, waiting to be found.   
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