
Jul 11, 2011 10:05

The equipment predominated and the actors were to be rushed in, milked of their functions, and then rushed out.

Han Ong, "Fiesta of the Damned," in Charlie Chan is Dead 2: At Home in the World, ed. Jessica Hagedorn. Penguin: 2004. p. 383

A cynic's romantic (think Fritz Lang's "Metropolis") view of moviemaking. Romantic in the sense that anyone who would build a machine where a man has to move the arms of a gigantic clock would bother to provide such a nice-looking clock to change the arms of. The commentary on moviemaking in this story is entertaining for its love of machinery. I love descriptions of machinery, and attempts to stuff humans into machine metaphors (mostly because they often fail elegantly).

Which reminds me, though, that I wish people would read up more on A Clockwork Orange. Or, perhaps, that I'd read up on it less, so I wouldn't spend so much time talking to, and getting lightly frustrated by, the people who don't know what Burgess thought of, and intended about, the whole mess.
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