The death of anything is when it begins to be about itself.
Bruce Davidson, quoted in "At 77, a photographer with staying power." Boston Globe. Oct 3, 2010. N7.
The thing about knowing is once you've salted its tail it never lets go.
Allen, Paula Gunn. "Burned alive in the blues." Reckonings: contemporary short fiction by Native American Women. ed Hertha Sweet Wong, Lauren Stuart Miller, Jana Sequoya Magdaleno. Oxford UP: NY. 6.
Knowledge, especially self-knowledge, as corruption and destruction is a popular enough concept that gets kicked around by artists. I'm not quite sure I agree. It's a bit like saying aging is degeneration -- moving away from a thing is a move towards its opposite. Must A and B be opposites because they are endpoints of a line that exists only to be drawn between them? I'm not a philosopher, so I get myself into trouble immediately trying to sort this. But there's something about it I don't quite buy. Is complexity necessarily an undoing?
Maybe this is just an extension of my crankiness about various forms of universalism. Maybe it's just that, as a folklorist, the ur-form always struck me as a snipe hunt.