a crowded house

Oct 21, 2011 05:09

I'm laying on my couch in the living room.
heather and her baby girl are asleep in my bed.
Ant is home from tour for the night so he is in his own bed.
Derek is out like a fuckin rock in his room.
two dudes from The Summer Set are sleeping in tony's bed.
their guitar tech is on one couch.
while heather's friend Ralph is on another couch.

it's really quite funny.
this apartment is like that, funny that is, not hostel like all the time.

I haven't posted in forever.
I'm like that.

my life is good.
my life is really good actually.

both jobs are good, I make much better money than before.
working downstairs has been one of the most fun/money making job.

things with Lisa are great.

things with the roommates are great too.

having heather in the states with baby Veslemøy has been really cool. very cute and awesome baby.

It's late.
I'm tires.
I'll end this by saying, I miss you livejournal.

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