Introducing the Fantabulous Briony Jae (Round II!)

May 05, 2012 14:22

Err, yes. That would be me! :)


Now, some of you may have seen my floating around on the internet before - Fanfiction, Twitter, Tumblr, AO3, WordPress... yep, I'm there, and everywhere! Keeping to the same username, just to make things even simpler. And now I'm here, on LiveJournal, as well. However, this LiveJournal account isn't exactly new. I actually created this... years ago! It sat there, lost somewhere out in cyberspace, being decorated with virtual cobwebs for some time, before I began to use it for personal blogging. That was a couple of years ago now. You might be wondering where those posts are, exactly. Well...

I decided to delete them. They were old, and cluttering this journal with STUFF. And besides... what I really want to use this LJ account for now is for posting my fanfics. I already post them on FFnet, and AO3, but recently I've been reading more and more fics on LJ, and my fandoms seem to have a number of cute wee communities here... so I thought I should jump on the LJ bandwagon. It means I can join communities and comment on fics that I have fallen in love with, as well as throwing my own stuff out there and hopefully reach a new audience, in addition to my other FFnet and AO3 audiences.

*shrugs* It seemed logical. ;)

So just to be clear, this LJ will now be exclusively for my fics. To any of my existing friends out there - if you're still around and using LJ, I won't be offended if you unfriend me. In fact, please do, if you don't think you'll be interested in my fandom/fic posts, because I know that when we added each other, it was for different reasons for fandoms/fics. *smiles*

Okay. So. Head on over to my Bio if you would like to know a little more about me, and my fandoms. Be sure to drop me a line, I always like to discuss epic-fandom-things, and since I'm quite new to LJ, really, I'd love the welcome :)

Have fun!
Bri xx