Mar 16, 2009 12:24
My attempt to discuss my feelings about Jim Cramer's appearance on The Daily Show last Thursday. Because they were not what I expected...then again, neither was the interview. Sadly, one of my questions is whether this was just all puppet theater, but I'll go on the assumption it wasn't, because they probably would have made that funnier.
Mr. Cramer...if you think anyone bought your act about being all repentant and mea culpa-ish, then you've seriously understimated, well, just about everyone. And with the state of the American public, that is saying something. What's with the rolled up sleeves? Trying to look like the earnest hard-working guy called before the evil boss? A student called to the principal's office in a John Hughes film? And with that level of backpeddling...geeze, you should have been able to go back in time and fix every bad prediction you ever made. Dude, if I had a dog who went belly up that fast I'd feel sorry for it. Way to show a total lack of spine. If, of course, you were being genuine, which you weren't. I doubt you believed 5% of what you said.
BTW, 17 hours of programming to fill a day...well that would be your problem right there. Face facts, your network is useless. But so are the wider ranging "news" networks.
But oh, Mr. Stewart, yes, you are wickedly intelligent and informed in addition to being funny. Hell, if you weren't, you wouldn't be so funny. Yes, you have a keen grasp of the journalistic ideal, that says CNBC should be informing the public. Yes, I love you and I'm a fan. I stood in line for hours to be in your audience and I would again. But that doesn't cover for me the faint whiff of hypocrisy I detected as you verbally pantsed Mr. C. Because you too, dear Jon, are part of the same media machine that he is. You too rely on ratings and ads to make your living, and this whole invented-by-still-other-media-types hype did benefit you greatly. If these guys did their job as well as you wish, you wouldn't have such good material to lampoon. And yes, you sell your show as snake oil, but the print on the bottle is not as large as you seem to think. And it does not provide a 100% exemption from the fact that many of your viewers do not make the distinction between you and the vitamin tonic.
All in all, an anticlimax.