Aug 27, 2003 00:15
I think I realized something. No, seriously. I should write for a sitcom. Maybe not all of the dialog, but at least major plot points. NO! I GOT IT! I need to write a cartoon so I can also do some of the voices. HELL YEAH! Wouldn't need to move either. Now I just need to find someone that is good with tooney artwork. Dunno, almost want to make a cool parody of anime (Japanaimation as it was introduced to me twenty years ago,almost). Make it so that kids will laugh, somewhat, and the adults will be rolling. Wow, the more I think about this, the more the hair on my arms stand up. This is actually quite possible. If I had someone to work off of my weird/freakish/dark/light sense of humor, oh....the possibilities. If anyone knows anyone (or IS anyone...). Hell, if I cant use my voice for singing, I'd rather be doing cartoons. And to be able to write for one...hell yeah. I wanna draw at least one character now, shit, gotta go and put this on paper....