My birthday is in 2 days ^_^

Dec 03, 2008 22:57

I've been back from Australia since monday morning.  Australia was good for all the oddest reasons.  I liked it because the air was clean, the sidewalks were strait, no one thought I looked funny, nearly everyone spoke my language, the guys were much more attractive to me both in looks and behavior, the sky was bluer, there was plentiful flora and fauna, the clothes were in my size, the drinks tasted good, there was plentiful food and candy, the transportation system was extensive and well mapped, and lots of people were excersizing.  It's funny the things you come to appriciate.

Sadly I was near King's Cross which, with the exception of a certain shoe store, was not the kind of place I would ever choose to frequent, or go to at all really.  I missed some of the subtelty of korea, the innocence too.  And, people in Korea aren't apathetic, and they are open to a lot.  Dunno.  Enjoyed it emensely in some ways and not at all in others.

May have lost some weight while I was there.

Relearned just how selfish I am.

Classes are going decently so far.  Music room this week.  My students are mostly playing soccer.

blog, korea, australia, birthday, work

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