I climbed the mountain

Nov 09, 2008 20:51

I climbed it in an hour and 15 minutes.  I'm pretty happy about that.  I didn't push myself too hard but I'm 45 minutes faster than when I got here.  Up and down in two hours and ten minutes. *grins*

So, I don't think there's a single muscle group in my body that isn't tired and/or sore.  It's an effort to lift my arms or smile.  But, I'm not in real pain so hopefully I won't be sore tomorrow.

Ah, and I'm doing my laundry and cleaned up my room.  I think I need to go to homeplus and get some stuff.  I also think that if I keep drinking green tea and go back to climbing the mountain three times a week I'll start loosing weight again.  I really want to loose 18 more pounds.  Just 18. I figure I might loose 15 and start to have a lot of trouble loosing weight.  Yeah, I figure around 163 lbs I'll start to have a truly hard time loosing weight. On a lighter note 163 isn't bad at all, and I think 160 would be absolutely fantastic.  I don't want to be "thin."

I have a few more postcards or letters to write to friends.  Three actually.  I'm happy about that.

I'm REALLY happy about visiting Australia.

Um, I wanted to say something... Oh, yeah, a guy liked me yesterday.  Ok, he was a big fat liar and rude but he liked me and he made it obvious without trying to grab me, which was awesome.  Sadly he tried to say he was, like, a director or something of some big time movies.  Well, I was pretty dubious about that and so when I got home I looked up the director list of each movie he said.  Guess what, not a single name in common between them.  Why lie about that?

Anyway, had fun out with Nichole.  Guh, I think my fingers are too tired to type anymore.

guys, korea, exercise, friends

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