Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2008 23:58

Hi people.

Today is halloween and I have done nothing halloweeny.  I think I halloweened myself out wednesday and thursday.  It's been foggy outside most of today though.  I wonder why it's so often foggy on halloween.  It makes it almost beleivable that ghosts are hovering all around you.  The fact that they pretty much barry the dead wherever here doesn't help with that feeling.  People seem to keep grave sites close in Korea.  So, just past the park, on the hill, and visible from my window are about six grave mounds.  I wonder what they'd think of a foreigner living so close.

Anyway, instead of working they took us to a national park today. I had a blast.  I want to do it again, though I do lament not getting to get my work done.  I got most of a study sheet for my level 4s completed before we left.  Spent the trip talking to K, who seemed very impressed by my knowledge.  I kept it light, and mostly about things that she obviously knew next to nothing about.  You know, international movies, politics, those kinds of things.  She said I was like a dictionary.  She probably meant encyclopedia.  I talk about her way way too much.  I have no real excuse for it.  I'm sure I look stupider to Stephen Hawkings than she looks to me.  Though sometimes I do think the woman has the IQ of a dried bean sprout (that may be a BBC Black Adder quote but I'm not entirely sure).  She just comes across incredibly uninformed.  On the ride N and D said nothing.  Then we got to the park and parked at this small gravel parking lot near a building that looked like a large mushroom.

We walked in the rain to this place that served bibimbap.  By the time we got there I'd given S my umbrella because she looked like a drowning rat and I had water half way up my calves.  Seh and I rolled up our pants before stepping up into the restraunt.  I sat near L, S, Lt, and Jt.  We joked mostly.  I talked about my family a little.  I laughed more after they'd fed us some kind of rice alcohol soup and raspberry wine.  The rice soup tasted a bit like a dirty basement.  The wine was good.  Either way, it was too early to be drinking but we did still.  Admitedly it made climbing the mountain a little harder later on.  I took a ton of pictures btw.

So, after lunch we walked past some buddhist temples.  Then to the mountains where only about 1/2 of us actually climbed up.  It was mostly a very rocky path.  And, since I'd been drinking I told the boys how much I can bench.  H then proceeded to beat me up the mountain, probably just to prove he could do something more than me.  We stopped at a waterfall with no water.  Everything was foggy and colorful and lovely.  That place is a great place for repelling.  Wish we could have done that.  I wanted to climb higher but it was time to go home.  It was nice to have had such a good work out.

On the way back to the cars I found a new respect for Sy who is much tougher than I thought.  She shared this food with me that tastes like a combination between a cinnimon roll and a pancake.  Amazing!  The rest of the troup was waiting at benches near the cars.  Found out there's a site that's accessible by korea that has buffy.  I'm pretty jazzed about that.  Also, I may get photoshop soon. yay!

Ok, so ride home consisted of finger drawing on the foggy windows and bantering with N, who had finally woken up.  It was fun.  I left my water bottle in the Director's suv.  It was foggy in deajeon too.  Then talked to K for a little while about food.

Then work was over and I lounged about.  Got phone messages from people but haven't called them back.  Pretty much skipped out on the halloween plans i had.  I know, bad, bad, bad.  But, they weren't official and I feel drained after this week.  I'll try and contact them tomorrow morning.  Also, opened my piggy bank.  I have 41,000 won in there.  Or roughly 41$ equivilant, though it actually probably equals about 32$ in exchange.

I read, at the rest of my kim and mentos.  Now I'm supersleepy.

My mom said she wasn't feeling well.  I hope she gets better.

Later people.

korea, work, halloween, co-teachers

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