(no subject)

Sep 20, 2008 09:28

So let me tell you all about yesterday.  We made some kind of rice stuffed things. Steamed.  They are apparently a Korean specialty, special for the harvest holiday.  Yeah, uh, they weren't bad but Korean tastes are not American tastes.

And, I got my package.  Yay!  I wore the shoes around for a little while, and showed of my science encyclopedia.  I'd forgotten how much I missed all my reference books, I could look up just about anything.  N commented on what I think she's coming to regard as my obscene smartness.  I'm smart but not that smart.  What I have is a one trac mind and an insatiable curiousity.

Not much work was done as I was in lactose-intolerance-induced illness for the first part of the morning (that's what I get for eating a pint of icecream the night before, and, yes, I'm about to go work out), and then there was getting my meds.  Which cost me about 14 dollars btw.  And name-brand, not generic.  I'm blown away because that's, like 1/13 the price in the States.

Last night around 7:30 I took two of those lovely Valerian root pills that were in my newly arrived package and went to sleep around 8ish. 9:30ish I was woken up by pounding.  Apparently L wanted to know where N was.  This confused me as I thought N was going to downtown with L.  Apparently not and L hadn't ever found N and was worried.  I had no clue, and was half asleep.  Fell back asleep, woke up around 8:30 this morning.  With at least 12 hours sleep under my belt and a clearer head than I've had in a while.  Now that I've finally finished checking and reading everything I'm going to set my ipod to the latest Sojourn sermon and go climbe the mountain.

Then I will work because I really want to start practicing keeping the Sabath (which I know is technically saturday, but we don't have church on saturday so I'm making it sunday for the point of practicality)

Later people.

blog, korea, valerian root, work, friends

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