Costs and Busan

Aug 24, 2008 23:52

Well, I went to the beach.  I love the beach.  It was fun to just walk around for an hour and a half.  Oh, and did you know that they have PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA here.  *HERE* in Busan. O.o
Another reason why I like Busan-the variety.  The people here are not very homogenous.  I like that.  I blend in better, well, except for that pesky being white thing.  Body type I blend in better, and there are people who look japanese, and people who look vietnamese, and people who looke tiwanese, and people who look simoan, and people who are obviously Indian.  I like it.  Granted, the city smells like dead fish, but I still like it.  And I loved walkign on the beach and a monk said hi to me.  And, I watched people, and I almost saw a fight, and there were lighthouses and lit-up boats, and people walking and talking and children playing and the crash of the waves and the black powerful fathomless ocean.  Fish would jump out of the water in the distance, and there were rocks, and the crash of the waves, and the sounds of people having fun and singing and talking and laughing.  And there was the sky with the stars that are completely unrecognisable to me.  I also like their subway system, which looks better than Seoul's but is more extensive than Daejeon's.  Oh, and I went up to the helipad area on the top of this building (the 33rd floor.  I coulda peed myself). O.o  I'm going to cure myself of that pesky fear of extremely high hights.  I held on to the railing and I was fine, but geez.  So high up!  Still, the view of the city lit up, and the shadowed mountains and the blackness in the distance that is the ocean.  It was fantastic.

I think I'm going to shower now.  I'm hoping I didn't but I may have left my floss and  proactive face wash at the last hostel. x-p I'll check tomorrow morning.

Ok, well,l I think that's all.
Some of my housemates right now are spanish.  It just reminds me of how much spanish I've forgotten!  I can barely understand them.  But, in my defense, they're castilan.

I know my spelling was horrible tonight, today, yesterday.  Please just bare with me.

Later people!

blog, food, korea, seoul, busan, travel, daejeon

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