nose to the grindstone. ouch.

Aug 12, 2008 22:19

Ah, testing is over.  I now have a massive amount of grading and commenting to do.  I will have no life this weekend.  This is kind of sad as it's a holiday.  Let's see, what else?  I need a new alarm clock.  I also need velarian root.  badly.  My sleep is all screwed up.  I'm dragging myself out of bed without half the energy I need to work out.  So, I'm only working out 3 or 4 times a week now.  This is kind of freaking me out. I  really don't want to gain weight again.  Plus, I don't think my body could deal with it.  all that said, I need velarian root for a good night's sleep and a new alarm clock so that I don't have one that wakes me in the manner of ripping off an old bandaid (you know, when the would is half healed and the bandaid has kind of adhered to the skin...).

Talked to Lt about japan.
Was horribly angry at my Level 4s who again did a crap job when they shouldn't have. 
Turns out that most of one of my classes was way smarter than they were letting on.  That was a little annoying too.
S yelled at said smart class.  She sounded like a monster about to devour them.  I need to learn how to sound like that.  They were good for the rest of the class.
Only managed to drink a little over a liter today. x-p

Uh, yeah, so my next post is going to be pictures of Korea.
I have so much to do tomorrow.  I really hope I can wake up on time.

Bible time was good.  so, happyness there.


korea, christianity, travel, excersize, co-teachers

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