Day five, I finally got the training manual

May 27, 2008 06:22

 So, day five is over, at least for me.  I'ts only about 6:30 pm here but I'm heading to bed.  I don't think I"ve slept eight hours since the first night I got here when I slept ten.  Also, I think that my body is having a really hard time adjusting, i have a low grade fever, and today I've felt a little nausious for most of the afternoon.  I think it may have had something (everything?) to do with me eating a soup with kimchi in it.  I swear, I'm alergic to that stuff.  My stomach doesn't hurt so much but my eyes are swoolen (like, I can feel it when I push on them, theyr'e stiff, not at all squishy), and my eyes are constantly dialiated, and they feel scratchy except when I'm in the shower and there's thick steam in the air. My eyelids feel so heavy too. ick.  I'm taking claritiin and I'm going to take a nasal sinus alergy med and some tylanol and go to sleep.  Hopefully that will do it.  Because, if I've suddenly gotten acute glacoma (ha, i was looking on med my life is really going to suck.

Otherwise, I really like Nichole and Keena seems sweet and helpful.  I've gotten to where I'm comfortable (maybe) with two or three of the others.  One seems not to like me, the other, well, I don't like her.  But I'm totally jazzed about my classes.  This korean girl named Evan gave a sample class today and it was so much fun!  hehe, I'm 24 and I was still enjoying it.  Then De said she could see me being a teacher like that and I was really complimented because that's the kind (enthusiastic, encouraging, a little cheezy) I want to be.

what else?  still have a little money that I need to exhange, and I have this goal of figuring out how to travel on the buses and trains.
Oh, and they put name tags on our doors today.  so cute!

NOt too much else I guess.  Open house is on thursday and I'll get to meet my Korean co-teacher and dress up.  I'm going to wear my nice summer dress.

I need to find out my phone number and the routing number for my bank here in korea.

I stayed up really late last night talking to Nichole and studying korean. she heard that someplace there are free korean lessons for english teachers.  that would be really cool.

I'm trying to practice being a good listener.  Also, yesterday I went and got a physical at the hospital for my imigration stuff (I wonder when they'll give me my diploma back).  They let me leave so I guess everything must be ok.  I don't have worms or tb or high blood pressure or some funky disease. Yay.

Oh, yeah, and training started today.  It goes through the end of hte week and then our first classes are on monday. wow!  Pray God keeps me healthy and gives me energy.

Ok, later people.

mom, I miss you and love you. *hug*
CM: did any of you feel a little sick when you were fist in a new country?  I miss you all too.

korea, work, co-teachers

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