
Mar 28, 2008 15:20

Well, I wrote a new chapter to the fanfic.  Ok, it's really about 1/3 of what I wanted the chapter to cover, and toward the end I kind of skimped because I was tired (now I really want to go back and flesh out the "buffy's angry day at school" part but I already posted it, and I really need to keep moving or I'll start going back and thinking it's all crap and then I'll quit).  Anyway, 11 reviews.  All good.  One that said she thought Angel might be too far gone.  pshaw.  She obviously hasn't read any of DOS's stuff.  No one is ever too far gone, esp in the buffy fandom verse.

Uh, otherwise, got itunes fixed, and got a new cord for my ipod.  My parents are leaving for a marriage conference in about an hour and my sister is going to her jr. prom tonight.  Sooo, house to myself to contemplate which school I want to teach at and pray pray pray about it, and to write.
*happy sigh*
Oh, talked to Ann on the phone a little today.  That was nice.

And, I'm doing my sister's make up for her prom, so there will be a picture of it up here.  There will probably be a few other pictures here too (of my snow fort from a few weeks ago).  And my next post will be my next chapter.  Oh!  And I think I got myself a beta...did I say that already?  *happy dance*

fanfictions, sister, friends

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