Egad, before I forget again

Nov 05, 2007 12:09

Ok, so, I was walking with my  mentor and her best friend the other day and her best friend said that the Mexicans are staging some kind of mass passive invasion of the United States, that they plan to just take over, insinuate themselves in everything and take over.  I've got to say, I'm pretty shocked by this.  I mean, to think that all the mexican friends I've made were part of some insiduous plan...I don't think I buy that.  Because, surely, if that were true, our forces would be at the border of mexico, not over in the middle east.  And, how could you think such things of an entire people group anyway?  And I wonder, if they do have nefarious plans, than, as christians, shouldn't we try to convert them rather then sending them away?  Dunno, it's made me confused and paranoid because they both seemed so wonderful and yet what they said sounded so prejudice.  *sigh* I don't think I know anything.

And, and what about the cubans, and the columbians?  Are they part of this 'invasion' too?  *is very confused*  And...what would be so wrong if the hispanic culture integrated into ours?  I mean...cultures change, life changes.  People are people, and their culture would change too...but would women loose their rights?  ...O.o why am I even thinking about this?  geez, going now....

It's raining and warm and my bike is broken and I'm hungy.

mexican, government, prejudice, invasion, passive

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