TV Links Shut Down

Oct 20, 2007 19:16

WTTF?  So, I went to TV links today.  Why?  I wanted to watch Transformers (not the movie, the cartoon), but it wouldn't come up.  A quick call to my parents confirmed they couldn't bring it up either.  Then a thought occured to me.  Maybe this wasn't just a system problem, so I searched "TV links news" and this is what I found:

TV Links

Again, what the flying frick?  How can you shut that down?  The site didn't host any illegal content, it just linked to it.  That is so not illegal.  I'm really pissed and I think they should let him go, in fact I know they should let him go.  If they don't want him to link to pirated content than fine, but to shut down the entire site?!  Christ!  That's just wrong.  And what about You Tube and what about Google Video?  Those host illegal content, what's happening to them?  I think people just didn't like this guy's brilliance.  Let him go you idiots! *glares*

blog, tv links, unfair

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