Trying a new *diet*

Sep 22, 2010 20:28

I know a lot about fitness, right? Right.
And about food. Of course.

So, I've set a goal for myself. A fitness/weight goal. It's a bit intensive, but not, like...undoable.
I want to loose 20 lbs in 2 months. 8 pounds is reasonable weight loss for a month. I figure adding another two to that for two months won't hurt.
I also want to try and stretch 1100 to 1200 calories a day into reasonable food.
Two days in I have failed. FAILED. Geez!

Yesterday, 1700 calories (generously).
Today, 1600 (also being generous, it was probably a little more than that).
I get the feeling that if I'm going to succeed at this I'm going to have to plan out my meals and snacks, because, frankly, my goal isn't to spend two months HUNGRY. Goodness no. My goal is to stretch those few calories into reasonable food.

I also need to work in something sweet. I've found that half a cup of milk and a tbsp of honey and 1/2 to 2/3 of a frozen banana make a nice sweet, healthy ice cream.
I also need to include dairy and protean. An egg a day isn't going to do me. An egg and two servings of cheddar cheese did work, but that's like 300 calories right there. If I eat the cheese on the high calorie bread (because small towns in Korea have no idea what Whole grain wheat bread is, and they eat white rice, which is, like, 300 calories a CUP [how are they so freaking skinny?!]) that's eaten up more than half my daily calories right there.
I also have to work in tea and juice. See, that's, like, difficult!
But see, if I'm going to do stuff with fitness I have to figure out how to be super fit and keep a job.
And get a new one!!!! XDHowever, I have succeeded in making an incredibly tastey and filling vegetable soup. Maybe I just need to make a lot of it every morning/evening. Maybe mix it up, too...
I need to work purple things into my diet. And possibly pumpkin. Do you think pumpkin would taste good pureed with tomato in a soup?

Ok, but, just for me to see what I ate I'm going to list it out.
  • 2 1/2 cups organic fruit juice (1/2 cup cranberry, 1 cup apple (cloudy), 1 cup strawberry)
  • 2 slices of the lowest calorie grain toast I could fine (not saying much 160 a slice) with a serving of cheese on the top and a tablespoon of nuts each time
  • Several cups of vegetarian soup. Consisted of a lot of water and two veggie boulion cubes, 1 egg, about 1/4 cup of white onion and maybe a 1/3 clove of garlic, a few slices of carrot (1/4 cup? maybe), and about 6 cups of greens (lots of chive and spinach, some arugula, mustard green, and just a few onion chives. Also, about 1 cup of mushroom. Fabulous. Very tasty.
  • 1 package of dried seaweed
  • smoothie/ice cream. (ingredients are as stated above)
  • 3 kiwis (you know, they're anti-inflammatory)
  • 2 clementines (they are NOT anti-inflammatory)
  • 2 small sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup of the lowest calorie plainish yogurt I can find, Danon's Activia (74, there's another that's 60 but it was at the back of the fridge)
  • 1 dove dark chocolate (not a bar, a bite, I was like...'Dark chocolate is good for you, right?')
  • 2 Mamba candies (not two packages, just two pieces out of one package, this is the sweet tooth I have to figure out how to curb)
  • Water. No idea how much.

It's the cheese/nuts and bread that got me. But, I have to figure out how to get in those food groups. And, I don't want heavily processed things. I don't want some fat free cheese that's made out of....fakeness. And who ever heard of lowfat nuts? Maybe I can just eat sweet potatoes and skip the bread.

Hey, and I worked out. Trying a new work out. We'll see if it works. I don't want to write it down publicly yet in case it doesn't work. I mean, I can think of things more hard core, but I haven't worked out in a month and I think anything more would just hold me up...

Ok, enough of this.

I wonder how many Koreans have eating disorders. A lot, I suspect, and then they lie about it on national surveys so they make their country look better.  I mean, with bossy controlling mothers who call you fat and media pressure, and boyfriends who even tell thin girlfriends to loose weight. Yeah, I bet it's a lot.

food, health

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