More dreams

Jun 26, 2010 08:30

I have had incredibly bizarre dreams the last two nights. And since I slept 12 hours last night I had extra dreams.

I'll tell about last night's first, since they're likely to fade to shadows with the sun.

First I dreamed that there was this little Veruka-like girl with pretty little curls who had a rich daddy. And I overheard her telling her father to kill someone in order to have whatever it was he had. I was in an orchard that belonged to my family and they were our new neighbors. She walks into the orchard and I climb up an impossible to climb (in real life) tree. She asks me what I'm doing and I say either "climbing a tree" or "picking fruit" when really it was "getting the high ground in case you decide you want my trees and I should die for them." So she left and I'm walking among the trees and there was my sister. She was younger in the dream than she is now. Maybe 12 or 13. She took me to her tree house, which was awesome. It was a house, in a tree. She invites me in but the whole inside is just barely big enough for her and not for me. This is a phenomenon that isn't uncommon to my dreams anymore. Wholes in attics that I could climb through as a child I can no longer fit into. I think it's literally my subconscious saying "you're too big to go here now. There's *too much of you* to return to this place." If I do get into secret places it often involves smashing a wall. Anyway, this wasn't my secret place so it turned out that there was some wood missing from the door frame and I could slide in. So, in this loft-like room covered in blankets and pillows my sister starts to talk about the new neighbor and inviting her over to her tree house. I *strongly* advise against this, saying the girl isn't good, going as far as to say she's evil. Hoping my sister's friendliness doesn't get her killed.

Later I dream that I visit my parent's new house. They have two dogs and their yard is overgrown in some places and worn down to the dirt in others. The neighbors have a dog too. My parents' dog talks and says the neighbor's dog pees on her. Then the neighbor's dog stands on his hind legs and pees on me. Or tries to. I dodge and he only manages to get my arm. I scream at the dog and kick at the fence until my anger is spent and the dog runs away. Then I take my parents' dogs inside the house and say that the one needs a bath and that they need to talk to their neighbor because they have a very bad dog. But, my dad won't do anything. He seems very apathetic and it just makes me more upset. The yard was a very strange shape.

Finally I dreamed that I was trying to get into this comic convention. You know, because I've never been to one in real life and I think that my subconscious feels I'm lacking because of it. Anyway, they won't let in the guy ahead of me because they already have two of his character at the convention and he sits crying on the street. I worry that they won't let me in but they do. I'm supposed to go to this meeting. I start climbing down stairs but then it turns out that I'm climbing *up* stairs and climbing with these other people in costume, past the tenth floor up and up until we get to the roof and there are these metal bars that we have to climb up and we're pulling and the bars are small and pinch my fingers and I grab these lever at the very top of the roof and turn it and then we're all in these chairs in this room and there's this guy who can sodder (sp?) things with his fingers and I tell him that's amazing and he says he was just doing it for his girlfriend and he had a quarter in his hand. Then we're trudging through sewers to get to this ship that's supposed to take us to a planet with people like us. At this point I look like a .... cat-ish amazon-type person. But, my nose isn't broad. But as we go these huge sewer things attack us, crustations and rodents and we have to dodge and fight back and I end up piggybacking on this giant rat. I keep stabbing it but it just snarls and keeps racing down the tunnels. Then it bursts through this window and spreads WINGS and starts flying and suddenly I'm far above even the tops of the sky scrapers and I'm thinking "Get it to turn around!!!" when all of a sudden it just passes out, or dies, and starts falling, and I'm left falling slowly through the air and now I'm thinking "oh. crap."
So I look up and I see that a light is shining in the air for Superman. Apparently in my world he's taken a page from Batman's book. And I think unhappily and dryly that I *really* don't want to call to him for help because he's kind of a self-righteous jerk. But, my options are swallow my pride or die. So I whisper for him and in moments he's there, catching me up. At this point I'm both this guy in army fatigues and who I was before and myself, doing one of those weird dream-can-decide-what-I-am things. He whisks me out to space where there's this flat disk alternate-universe floating away from the planet and I see a space ship in there passing these impossible planets and realize that's where I'm supposed to be and we see a ship fly in and I'm like "just let me go there!" and he's like "no." and I think he's very mean. Instead he takes me to this space station and sets me down and there are all these super hero types and I'm like "why don't you let me go! There are people like me there!" Then Superman says "Yes, there are, and you get to live in nice appartments, until they make you fight for your life." and I'm like "what? They don't do that." and someone else steps up and says "Yes, they do." and someone else comes up and says something like "we know, we were there." and it turns out that this guy who collected us is basically a slave trader, who takes special people to this planet to fight gladiator style. Superman saved me and I'm simultaneously grateful to be free and sad for those who were deceived.

That's right. 3 dreams, 1 night.

The night before I dreamed an exceptionally unpleasant dream but mostly because...well, you'll see.

It started out with me sitting at a table in a grocery store. Apparently there was a talk show going on in the grocery store. Some thin blond woman in her late 30's was the host. I could see the stage but I was next to a refrigerated section, dairies maybe. Anyway, one of the guests (all sitting like a choir) was her ex-husband. She made a comment about how she parented their son and he was about to let her have it on national telivision. I grabbed him and pulled him aside and told him I thought it was very unwise to do that, that I thought he should tell her in private rather than humiliate her in public, and asked him to think of what he would want in the same situation. So, he pulled her aside to tell her and they went back to the show. I was feeling very good about myself and saving her from humiliation when her manager walked up, angry at her. I tapped him on the shoulder and basically told him the same thing I told her ex, but he didn't respond as well. He was a tallish thin older man, balding on top. He glared at me and said something like "it's none of your business" and then said "don't you know it's coming for you just like it comes for everyone. It'll have you too." and I smile ruefully and say "I'm fully aware"  and then there are these people, zombies, walking toward me and they say "death will have you like it has us now." and I stand up and take off running.

As I'm running this woman grabs me and drags me into this building. She and another woman there tell me not to go out after dark, where this blackness seems to envelope the whole world. The one seems like she doesn't mind being naked, and walks around with a towel around her. It turns out that I'm at some kind of compound, filled with children. The only adults are me and the other two women and now I'm only 19 or 20. Apparently the evil is drawn to decorations, so they have food (lollipops) up instead of regular decorations, because they're practical. The children eat the lollipops. they tell me I should only eat the ones that look like butterflies and flowers because those are the only ones with flavor. 
Then it skips and I've been there for a little while and these people come into the compound, thinking it's empty and planning to camp out there. They're escaping maybe. The children start running around and I run out and tell the adults that there's nothing here for them, just a bunch of orphans who lost their parents in the event.
"nothing here, just orphans, move on" I say over and over and most of them do.
But two men, overweight redneck looking men, decide to stay.
I ask them "what will you do, rule over the children" and one snorts rudely and says "maybe"
I don't like that answer so I tie ropes around them and begin to pull them toward this small hanger. It's dark inside. I pull and pull and they fight back but I'm stronger. I basically have them on leashes. Once I get them close enough to the hanger one looks in and once he looks in Evil catches his eye and he can't look away. From there my work is done. They are drawn in and consumed by the face of an evil clown, but I know it's the devil. I also know I just killed them.
A few more months are supposed to have passed and as the sun sets I don't step inside fast enough and it has me. It's covered in red but it's also the Joker from Dark Night, but I know what he really is. He holds me in a choke hold, pressed close to my body. "it's rediculous how uncorrupted you are." he says. He sounds disgusted and I can hear 'you're pathetic' even though he doesn't say it. "You have a boyfriend but you haven't even slept with him." I realize that for some reason he can't hurt me, and also that apparently I have a boyfriend. "no matter," he continues "You have (less than two days) to loose your virginity or I'll have you" and then he lets me go and I'm in the house I was in when I first came. I go to the woman, still in a towel, and try to explain what happened. Should I listen to the threat? Or would that allow him to have me anyway?


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