Aug 04, 2009 13:48
*This will involve younger sister bashing. For those related to me read at your own risk.
Bleh, I feel a little like puking, but that may have to do with eating all those peppers when I already felt a little ill. Guh, but they're so yummy, you know?
Anyway, I have come to an informed decision. Men are obviously insane. How else could it then be possible that my sister has a boyfriend, who loves her, and I don't? Now, I generally consider comparisons of all kinds bad things, but I'm going to revert for a bit. How is it that my sister, whose idea of working out is walking the block to the Aldi and back. My sister, whose sense of style is a combination of emo, trailer trash, and middle class mooch. My sister, who feels the correct response to an answer she doesn't like is to threaten death or bodily harm, who thinks an informed dicision is "A said that T said that..." Seriously. My sister, who thinks eating healthy is totilas rather than flavored potato chips, who thinks that medication is an excuse for bitchyness, who says the most offensive rediculous and innane things and then has the audacity to get upset when she's called on it. She has the emotional maturity of our cats. Perhaps less. Her goals are to have a boyfriend who will let her put him through hell and still hang around. She doesn't present herself well, she's not interesting, she's not nice, she's not thoughtful, she's not that pretty (though eveyrthing she wears shows her breasts or her butt), she's not educated, she's not mature, she's not athletic, she's not responsible. How the HECK does she have a boyfriend and I don't?!
I mean, do you guys *like* having irational abusive girlfriends? Seriously! Is it worth it, for all the compliments she gives, to have her hand you your balls on a platter when she's pissed off?
Now, I'm not saying I'm the best catch out there; there are women who are more focused, more successful, more beatiful, more mature, more self-sustaining, sweeter, more interesting, and more talented than I am. But, as far as I can tell I have enough to be more applealing than my seven years younger sister. And yet, I rarely manage to attract men, and she has guys at the door hoping she'll break up with her present bf and go with them.
*head desk* I woul think that it was me, but I've spent enough years already thinking that and improving myself and it's made no change. So, logic would then say it's not me, it's men. To which I say "I have no idea what you guys are looking for. Obviously sanity is not part of the equation."