
May 27, 2009 07:53

I'm at the airport. Actually I'm across from the terminal I'll leave from in less than an hour. There's a free internet cafe-thingy. I'm immensely greatful for it. If my spelling is bad I appologize. I haven't gotten more than one or two proper nights of sleep in a month and only three-ish hours last night and only four the night before that and there's been lots of walking so its n ot like I have been conserving my energy. My cycle started. XP I think that's really aweful timing. It couldn't have waited until I landed? So, now I'm going to have cramps during the flight. *sigh* lovely.

I slept through most of my last few hours in Korea. I did wake up a bit to get a nice view of some nice appartment cities and the ocean. I'm like 90% possitive that I didn't dream them.

When I first went to the bus terminal it was closed. I was really upset by that because I thought I was going to miss my flight. I came back to the school and managed to get to L's room before I burst into tears. But, I recovered pretty quickly. L told me she would wake me up at 3, when her and the other girls were leaving. But, then the security guard found H for me and he told me he would drive me to the bus terminal. He said (and I quote) "you had this look on your face like 'what the f-'." Lol, it's nice to know that my expressive face has helped me in a difficult cercumstance. So, he ended up waking me up after about 20 minutes of sleeping and drove me to the bus terminal (on an odd note I feel like gravity is really heavy right now, like the earth doubled in weight or something). He was really really nice for the middle of the night. I also think he'd been drinking. So, I very possibly was driven to the bus terminal by a guy with a decently high bal but he drove well and he was nice. yay! He even hugged me. wa. he is a good hugger. ^_^ He carried my heavy bag for me too, and rolled his eyes when the bus driver made us do everything by the book.
L said he was mad today. I think he was mad at some people because he was really nice to me when he had a right to be annoyed.
See, what happened yesterday was unacceptable. Lt and S2 decided that they were going to screw over the staff, and then proceeded to do it. Now, they've been playing childish pranks for a while, but last night they snuck into the main office and stole their information files from the cabinet, they trashed the main kitchen (leaving food and dirty dishes everywhere, apparently even glass in the floor), and they left a wrapped dildo on one of the office staff's desk with a note saying "no thanks for the memories."  We're adults, at work. No matter if we got a bum deal their behavior was unacceptable. Also, Lt left without giving her door code so H had to climb out my balcony to hers to get in, and she left a whole bag for them to deal with.


At least they liked me. And, yes, that does matter to me. Some of the korean teachers cried when they said goodbye to me last night. They all said they wished we had worked under different cercumstances.

I would write more but I need to drink my water and maybe find a pharmacy for some tylanol and check in.

Saying bye to N was hard. My students didn't make it easy. I know V and L2 will miss me. I took migraine meds but I wish I'd brought more.

I'm jazzed about flying now. If I had energy I'd do a dance.

Oh, and the incheon airport is really nice. It never ceases to amaze me.

blog, flying, korea, cycle, travel, work

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