
Mar 30, 2009 00:13

well, I had fun today. Sadly I missed church but I did make it to the korean study session and then hung out afterwards with a few people. I find that I talk A LOT around them. It's a bit of nervousness plus a determination to actually put myself out there. I can tell some people think I'm annoying, others think I'm funny. We saw Push. Ok, decent movie but I just want to point out a few flaws in the story. 1st, the little girl should have been the main chracter. Yeah, the guy was a more well known actor and hotter, but the way the story was engineered it should have been the girl. Second, Pusher? Bleeder? Really? The US government couldn't come up with anything better than those lame names? I would have thought that the names for the telekenets would have been much more complicated, or acronymns. And pusher and mover were too similar. And sniffer? Seriously. Also, the sniffers always touched the things they were sniffing which didn't let you know if they were getting the past from the smell or the vibrations of hte thing. Really, a bit of research into theory would have gone a long way in this movie. were the Screamers (aka Bleaders) telekets? They controlled sound, with their mouths. That's not briain power, unless the movie failed to explian it propperly.  I also thought that the intro sequence, while interesting, was relatively pointless for most of the plot.  Still, the movie was action packed and fun and if you turned off your brain it was a great time.  Then we went to Talkholic. Which I'm still not sure I could find on my own....

I've eaten a bunch of junk food lately, but then I realized my cycle will probably start tomorrow so that's probably where the sugar and fat cravings and lowered immune system are coming from.

yay for smartness!

blog, korea, church, movies

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