I need lotion

Feb 18, 2009 11:46

in addition to some other things.

I'm thinking about just sending my Amazon order to my parents' house and having them send it to me.

I went to the Korean-American doctor on Monday and he then sent me to Bansok to see an English speaking neurologist for my headache and dizzyness.

The entire trip was long and uncomfortable and after reading the rape article/blog/thing I felt like everyone was watching me.  I tried to read Iron Kissed but I could only read so much before I felt sick again.

It took me a little while to find the American doctor because the English print on his sign was kinda small but once I found it everything was good.  His office seemed really posh.  Nice and open and they had Western candy in their candy bowl.  I took two.  >:-D
I listed my symtoms for him and he prescribed american meds for me.  Thus far they seem to be working decently.  He was very nice and the visit was cheap.  I plan to go back to him if I get/stay sick while I'm here.

Then it was off to the neurologist. It was freezing btw.  Like the wind was made of invisible ice sicles that cut into your skin.  The neurology office was long and quiet.  It didn't seem like a place where I should be.  The receptionist asked me (In korean) if i spoke korean and I said (in korean) only a little.  The neurologist came and got  me and talked a little about my symptoms.  When he heard I was on Welbutrin I could practically see his brain shifting to think that my symptoms were psychosomatic and I had to resist the knee-jerk response of being offended.  I reminded myself that his response was not unique to his race.  If you have a psychological problem most doctors in all countries assume that other problems you report are therefore also psychological.  I also couldn't rule out that he was wrong as I used to get silent migranes a lot when my depression was unchecked. He put what looked like a tuning fork to one side of my face, then to the other.  It seemed much colder on the second side.  Then he had me follow said tuning fork with my eyes. Strait and especially left made me feel virigo, right did nothing.  I knew then that my symptoms weren't psychosomatic.

He did some kind of ultrasound on my brain.  This involved me laying down in a dimly lit room and having a technition put a little probe against my temple.  The pressure was actually kind of nice.  My brain makes noise by the way.  It's a soft electrical "eeeeee" and a "bumboo swiiishhh".  After looking at the charts the doctor said the noises indicated I had migrane symptoms in my cerebelum and up in the front of my head. ha ha ha. I felt rather vindicated.  It was worth the 98 thousand won.  I got meds for the flu I'd gotten on friday and for the migrane that I apparently still had.  I went home and cooked.

I was hyper at work yesterday.  Perhaps all that rest, perhaps the meds, perhaps being happy to know what was wrong, but I over did it.  I feel sick again today, but I'm going to have to soldier through.  The headache is back. bleh.  The stomach ache is back too.  At least I had energy yesterday.  I fed my students peanutbutter nobakes.  They gobbled them up.  Little did they know I'd used bran flakes instead of corn flakes.  these kids just got most of their daily vitamins and fiber. ha! :D

Also, my latest fanfiction obsession, Not Quite Normal, updated yesterday.  It's the first chapter I've ever seen  mistakes in.  And by  mistakes I mean they (it's co-authored) typed the word "masocism" when it should have been "masochist" and something else equally minute.  I get the feeling they were in a hurry, though I can't fathom why.  I'd wait years for a good story.

I think that's about all.  The stomach ache might have been from taking 11 pills at once (all that I was supposed to take!) and without food.

The guy who contacted me a while back from dcsf imed me about a dozen times this weekend. I got tired of it.  didn't respond yesterday and so he didn't resond when I finally did say hi in the evening.  Is this a game? He bugs me three times a day but pouts when I don't want to chat at 9 am? *rolls eyes*

righto, that's definately all.


ps. sleep on the meds has been fun though, lol, I keep drooling on myself, and the dreams are interesting even though I'm having a hard time holding onto them.

guys, blog, korea, health

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