I hate being sick

Feb 14, 2009 22:59

Well, I feel like crap.  Started early friday morning, was at it's worst yesterday evening but it's been no picnic today either.  nausia, the runs, headache, stomach cramps, intestinal cramps, weakness, shaking/trembling, hot flashes, sweating, fever, sore skin, sore neck and shoulders and back, intense virtigo (really truly almost passed out entirely at one point), swoolen stomach, diffuculty focusing, sensativity to smell and light and touch, bad dreams, bad breath...and some coughing (which presently is the least of my concerns) and it's now pushing 48 hours with all this.

oh, and I had a *lovely* coworker tell me I should go to another doctor because "you don't know, you could be dieing"just wanted this for hte rcord.

korea, sick, co-teachers, health

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