been a while, huh?

Jan 03, 2009 22:39

So, what's happened?
One of my students, we'll call him Shea is finally smiling and participating in class.  I'm jazzed.
I had my third Korean lesson.
I had a good meeting with my co-teacher.  I made her laugh.  She reminds me a bit of an outgoing version of my mother.  I think things have been better since the E mediated meetin betwen her and I.
I bought a lamp, and a small shelf, and a humidifer, and a coffee maker, and room smellies, and a pan, and a plate/cup/mug/bowl/set of forks/spatula.
I'm almost broke in my checking account. x-p yeah.  Thank goodness for my cc.  Obviously I didn't budget my money very well this month.
Still not sure whether I'll go to China for the new year.  It's pretty close and I haven't decided which probably means no.  Maybe I can stop by there before I leave in May/June.

Oh! Ok, so this is what my new pan said: "Do not overhead utensil to avoid fumes that could be dangerous for small animals with particularly sensitive respiratory systems, like birds.  We recommend that birds should not be kept in the kitchen."  WTF.  So, if this kills a little bird pretty quickly how long will it take to kill me?  Seriously. X-p

Oh, and I rearranged some of my room.  I moved my closet (wardrobe?) and my fridge so I could give the impression of more space.  I'm big on more space.

So, today three of my coworkers (Mr.K, Sy, and H) 'caught' me working out.  X-p really, why do they have to see?  I was some 30-something minutes into my jog/run and I see some movement over to my right so I turn and look out and there they are staring at me and leaning against H's car.  They waved, I waved back, but was not the most plesant moment of my life. My discomfort with them seeing me is threefold.  First, I don't exactly look my best when I'm half way through my cardio.  In some ways I have my father's skin so I'm roughly the color of a strawberry and dripping sweat. Also, I'm not a little girl so me running involves lots of things... moving.  Second, I worry that they're going to see me and that since they're smaller than me that somehow they've also managed to be in better shape than me and so are secretly guaging my health and finding me wanting, or maybe they're not healthier than me but are still finding me wanting.  Third, that if people are impressed I'll start working out just so people can see and become conceited and so set myself up for an ego-faceplant.

But, the workout was good.  I ran/jogged at a13min/ml pace for 35 minutes with a two minute warm up at the beginning and then a two minute cool down at the end.  I would have tried for 40 minutes but around minute 20 my left foot went numb and around minute 30 I started wondering if my leg was going to give out because by that time I couldn't feel my knee either.
I started having problems with my right hip, nerve pain, about a week and a half ago.  I don't have any clue why.  I got my back adjusted and had a pt session and it's better but definately not 'fixed'.  I wonder if that has something to do with the numbness.  I'm guessing the nerve got pinched and it's just inflamed now because I haven't done anything (until just tonight) that might put my back out.  ;-p turns out the closet-wardrobe is pretty heavy.  After that I did 15 minutes on the stair thingy with a minute warm up and cool down and at one point my knee *did* give so I'm glad I got off the treadmill when I did.  Made sure to stretch propperly and work my back.

Got my cell phone recharged.  *finally*

Oh, and while I was moving the closet-wardrobe I felt my left kneecap shift. Ouch.

Lol, and my legs are *so* hairy.  I love it. :-D  I know, I'm weird.  I didn't want to shave my armpits until the winter was over as well but it started to get hard to put deoderant on, in addition I still wear tanktops.  Maybe if I like my leg-hair all grown out I'll just bleach it in the summer and leave it be.

Ate good food today. Fruit, and fruit, and seaweed, eggs-with-veggies.

Have started compiling a list of things to buy from Amazon.

Iew, and I have been getting rather horrible achne lately. (as in the last two or three weeks).  Dietary issues maybe?

What else?  They dug a whole near the sidewalk in the park, then they filled it with rocks. Now they're making an artificial pond.  I wondered from the beginning if they were doing something like that.  It's always exciting when you're right.

Oh, and cycle will probably start on Monday. X-p I'm about 85% sure that it's going to hurt. Why?  Because I worked out ONCE in the two weeks past (was hurt, got sick, was lazy, was in pain again), and when I don't work out my body takes revenge with my period.  But, I'm looking forward to the bloating going down.

That being said, my goal is to loose 3 kilograms by the end of January.  It's quite doable. What will this require?  Daily cardio, rationing dried seaweed, carbs, and candy, enough sleep, nothing fried, no soda, no alcohol, drinking tea, taking medimucil regularly, drinking at least 2 liters of water a day.  Totally doable. ^_^

I bought some books in Seol too.  And I mailed a package to my family, and friended some people on facebook. I also finished Galations and Ephesians and one (two?) of the minor prophets.

I didn't do a lot with my abs today.  I know, bad bad bad.

Been hearing people say I 'inspire' them quite often lately.  What is with that word?  And why,  But...apparently...*shrugs*  lol, perhaps my enthusiasm is infectious.

I still have marks on me feet from Australia. They may scar for a while.

Also, Doctor Who is over on my tv for a while. They're switching to Torchwood for a season. I honestly have no clue how Korea is going to do that.  I mean, the next season of torchwood pretty much revolves around Jack and his ex-lover-turned-mortal-enemy.  How are they going to cencor that and still have a plot?  *shrug* Anyway, I'm not nearly as interested in Torchwood as I am Doctor Who so I won't be quite so upset to miss it. But, middle school may be starting up soon which means that I may have to change the time that I have my own tutoring.  Friday maybe?

Bus paths changed.  Why?
Got a good package from my family.
I'm thinking before I move I may ship my books and extra clothes back to my parents.  I know I'll leave a bunch of stuff here for the next person, just because it would be nice, and I can.  No need to make them have to buy their own when I can share mine.

hmm, I think I'm getting a planter's wart. will have to deal with that.

I'm quite happy because I managed to clean my room.  I think I've become known as a few things at this school: the girl who is always-barely-not-quite-late, the girl with the messy room, the girl who drops stuff, the one who sees all sides, the one who has ideas, the practicing Christian.  As a group of things to be known by goes I don't think that's a bad list.

I think some guy followed me while I was at the mall today.  I stopped at a coffee shop and he wandered around the food court for a minute and then left.  Weird.

Well, I think I've run out of relivent stuff to say.

Oh, yeah, there is the new book Patricia Briggs called Cry Wolf (is it a prequel to the Mercy Thompson series?).  Anyway, the presentation of the story is quite interesting.  Very reminiscent of short stories, but in novel form. There's no real building up to the story.  No, it throws you right in.  The first chapter feels like stepping into a dream, were the action is going on and you're not entirely sure what but you're one of the characters and you better do *something* and then as you go characters tell you what happened or your mind fills you in.  I personally think that's really difficult and I'm really excited to see if she pulls it of.  A novel and a short story are written differently for differeng reasons. It almost feels like she mixed mediums except with words.  When I realized how different the style and presentation were I got really excited and told N all about it.  She just stared at me. lol.

Right, now that is all I have to say.

later people!

period, christianity, work, excersize, money, co-teachers, cry wolf, blog, korea, friends, health, books

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