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Mar 25, 2005 22:56

Here is something that I got off of my friend's journal...

It isn't fair...it just isn't fair...why can't people see that if they would just cry out...TRULY CRY OUT FOR GOD TO show up in our youth services that HE WOULD!!! What will it take for people to become desperate, so truly desperate to SEEK God. I wish I could find a few people, just a few, who would be willing to lay it all down, and just SEEK God during our youth services...I mean CRY OUT to God with EVERYTHING they have, plead and BEG for God to show up and for His presence to change our lives...why do we just have to worship God half heartedly for a few minutes before the preaching, why ARE WE SATISFIED with the LITTLE glimpse that we get here and there??! What will it take for us to be come so hungry for more, completely unsatisfied with what we have?? God wants to pour out His Spirit upon us...but we DON'T REALLY WANT IT!! We have to become passionate, we have to DESPERATELY CRY OUT TO GOD!! We can't just lift our hands and say a quick prayer and expect God to come, we have to invest time, praying and seeking God's face...we have to get on our knees before God and BEG FOR HIM TO SHAKE US, TO CHANGE US, to take us to the deepest depths of His throne room...3 kids, why can't I find THREE kids who are willing to go up front and lay down their pride, and seek God with complete freedom, CRY OUT for God to come down in the services...that is the only difference between some amazing camp/conference experience and a 'regular youth service'...when you go to camp or a conference, you go expecting God to move, you go expecting a touch, you go and you hit the altar and cry out to God...why can't we do that in our REGULAR YOUTH SERVICE...why does it have to be a "regular youth service", why can't every service be an oppurtinity for God to come and SHAKE US!!! Why can't it be an oppurtunity for God to completely transform us, for us to REALLY get COMPLETELY LOST in the awing presence of God!! Why can't we DESPERATEL CRY OUT TO GOD, FOR HIS TOUCH!! FOR HIM TO MOVE!!!! Why are we so callous, why are we so used to being in God's presence, why are we so comfortable in the presence of an Almighty God that we can talk and joke around instead of PRESSING IN AND GIVING GOD OUR EVERYTHING!! Worship IS NOT just a time to sing some songs, and give a half hearted praise...it is a time to CRY OUT AND SEEK GOD WITH EVERYTHI"NG YOU ARE!!!!

"Take me into the holy of holies, take me in by the bloood of the lamb, take me into the holy of holies, take me in by the blood of the lamb, take me into the holy of holies, take the coal, touch my lips, here I am"

I'm disgusted by our own behavior...here we have the privelege to enter into God's throne room FREELY....yet we don't. We stand around in worship, and watch the band. We don't press in, we stand around hoping others will press in...when will we take the inititive, when will we take on the responsibilty of pleading for God to move...if we don't plead on our behalf WHO will?

Why do we let our minds become so distracted, on things that are not of God, why do we let our minds wonder during worship, over to that person who maybe we 'like'...why do we let things into our life that distract us from the task of worshipping God...Worship is more than a song service, worship is the WAY we live...worship is a 24/7 thing, everything that we do, every word we speak, is worship...rather it be to God, or one of our many idols. We should worship God in every aspect of life...how can we do this if we are allowing 'entertainment' in our lives to set an atmosphere of which God can not dwell?? If we listen to music in which God's presence can't dwell, HOW CAN WE WORSHIP GOD??! Everything we put into our brains should help us in our walk with God, so how does listening to music about hopelessness help you with your walk with God? Sure maybe you can relate to it, maybe it makes you 'feel better'. but letting that hopelessness get inside you, leaves you with hopelessness...why do you have to listen to music you can 'relate to'. Don't choose to listen to music by how you are feeling, choose to listen to music based on what will get you closer to GOD!

In the decisions we make, why do we make decisions based on how we are feeling rather than on what God has commanded us to do. Why do we determine how we are doing in life, based on how we feel at a specific moment. What does how we feel have to do with anything?? Half the time, we don't really know why we feel the way we do anyway, give your emotions to God. Let Him give you His joy, and His peace...we need to stop viewing life with our own perspective, we need to ask God to give us His perspecive, see things from His eyes. When we make decisions based on how we feel, and how we see things, we will make the wrong decision. God sees things, not how they are at the moment, but how that moment will shape your life, in making you who God created you to be. God sees who are going to be, so why do we try to follow our own limited vision, instead of following the One who KNOWS EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW??? Infinite wisdom, and knowledge is what God is, and He is longing to share it with us, so what kind of idiots are we to ignore Him? To run away from Him...when we should be running to Him with EVERYTHING we are...so let us do that now...in youth service, in every church service, no matter who you are, no matter where you stand with God, no matter what church you go to...let us go after God with EVERYTHING we are.
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