Jan 21, 2005 14:32
Why doesnt everyone just suck a bunch of fucking dick. YOU HAVE ALL KILLED THE OPTOMISM IN ME. It seems it right now anyways. Maybe its not you, maybe I shoulda been this way a long time ago. I figurd wondering if I was gonna die every day made life not like that great, but thanks a whole fucking lot cos I guess theres gonna be pain no matter what. Ill pull through, put on my fucking happy face, but let me say this and never will i take it back, I DONT TRUST ANYONE so dont think for one second I dont see behind peoples lies, behind certain people COMPLETELY FUCKING WITH MY HEAD, and shit like that. FUCK THAT, FUCK YOU.
have you ever taken forgranted the one person that actually gives a fuck about you? I dont know if its cos theyr not around, or ya start to realize your other friends really dont give two flying fucks about you, but its always a little too late when you realize it.
I feel alone, like I have no one in my life who gives a shit, and dont comment on this cos thats just retarded, no one ever does. Its do or die I guess, and I just dont make it worth peoples whiles to stick around with me. Im the tuesday afternoon girl, the go to girl if theres absolutely nothing left on this earth to do and youll absolutley rot unless you hang out with someone. Why? Am I really that fucking boring, like that annoying that you just cant possibly stand to be around me. Im finally seeing it, these people arent my friends, in fact, they dont even like me at all. When I run up to people and am genuinely glad to see them, they really dont feel mutually about seeing me. WOW, I must be one fucking annoying person. My laugh, my loudness, why didnt someon just fucking tell me to lock myself in my house a while ago? I knew that whole trying to be social thing wouldnt work out, cos this would happen. When I dont hang out with anyone really it works out much better. Kira, shes my FRIEND, okie and erica themtoo, but maybe thats cos they live far enough to stand me. Thats it, im sorry to impose on everyone, ill go back into my fucking hermit shell and not expect a god damned thing from anyone.
Underneath her skin and jewelry,
hidden in her words and eyes
is a wall that's cold and ugly
and she's scared as hell.
Trembling at the thought of feeling.
Wide awake and keeping distance.
Nothing seems to penetrate her.
She's scared as hell.
I am frightened to.
Wide awake
and keeping distance from my soul.
I am scared like you.