day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy
Hello and welcome to Day 4.
I apologize because this is not going to be as awesome a post as it should be. I just spent an hour troubleshooting my brother's video driver with him over the phone and I still have to jump in the shower because I'm heading downtown to meet up with JB for dinner/coffee/etc. Hopefully being rushed like this will remove my internal editor and allow me to just share some awesome sites with you guys.
Well-known sites:
MetaFilter. Awesome site, I hit it a dozen times a day. Headlines and news, obscure and cool, flash games, anything can be found here.
Wikipedia. I'm sure everyone and their father uses this religiously. Even my own father uses Wikipedia. Which is completely mindblowing, to be honest.
Internet Movie Database. Such a staple in my life, I go to IMDB at least 5-6 times a week. It always drives me crazy to see people I think I recognize from somewhere but can't place them.
Foreign-language sites:
Le grand dictionnaire terminologique. French/English translation for words that you wouldn't normally find in a dictionary. Like, what's "online chatting" in French? Why it's session de clavardage, according to this site. Huge help for those who are familiar with French but maybe not specific industry terms (how do you say "right-click, Properties" in French? "clic droit, bouton Propriétés"!) in constructing French sentences.
Garzanti Linguistica. Hands down, the best Italian dictionary out there. Can be Italian/Italian, Italian/English, Italian/French... Fantastic.
Useful/entertaining sites:
Gmaps Pedometer. Because it's always cool to know how much you walked when you went somewhere and got lost in the neighbouring bourough when trying to cast a vote in a federal election, not that that's ever happened to me, nope, nuh-uh, never.
xkcd. Great webcomic. I adore it. I'm especially partial to
this comic because, well,
drsnicket and I bonded in grade 9 over my Nintendo and Mario Brothers and Dragon Warrior. So I inevitably end up giggling whenever I see that. Updates Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Ctrl-Alt-Del. Another webcomic, still geeky, but very gamer-oriented and sometimes it's not all that entertaining to me because I don't play shoot 'em ups. Still, I like the art a lot and I like the characters. Relatedly, you can watch some movies of Tim (the artist) doing the comics
over at UStream.
That's all I really have time to share, but I use/visit all those sites regularly.