Saw Lost.
There are a lot of things about Lost that can be predictable. A lot of the dialogue in this episode, for example. I was saying phrases right along with the characters. And also, as soon as I saw Jack in the operating room, I knew it would be that scene he told Kate about in the pilot. I just knew it.
But if there's one thing I've learned about Lost and JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, it's never to underestimate their ability to turn the entire world on its head.
I cried, actually sobbed, when Juliet was pulled down into the mining shaft. I had to pause the damn episode and regain my composure. It always happens to me -- my favourite characters die on TV shows all too often. I'm surprised it hadn't happened earlier on Lost, to be honest, although I did cry when Charlie died. (And SPEAKING of Charlie, I will admit I felt my gut wrench when Sun found his DriveShaft ring.)
It's funny how I was ready, willing and able to let all of the people on the island in 1977 die when Jack dropped the bomb down the shaft, but completely unwilling to let Juliet just die like any other character has. How much do I LOVE that she *lived* and that she was the one to detonate the bomb? How much do I love that she told Sawyer how much she loved him and how she was trying to comfort him as she was about to fall to what was presumably her death? How much do I love that Sawyer looked at her, didn't take his eyes off of her, held on to her? Because my heart shattered into a million pieces for Juliet at Bernard and Rose's camp.
And so Locke is actually dead. But the dude in black from the beginning, whom people are calling "Esau" (Biblical reference, Esau was Jacob's fraternal twin brother, both having Isaac and Rebekah as parents -- and no, I didn't know that off the top of my head), seems to have taken Locke's form and has gotten Ben to kill Jacob for him. That is all KINDS of fucked up right there. But wow, I'm not surprised Ben wanted to kill Jacob. "Locke" had a point -- after all his years of service, his reward was banishment? Interesting as well was that it was Jacob who had the lists. I would still pay money to see these lists and to know what they're for, exactly.
And then the questions, the repercussions to blowing up the bomb, if it does, in fact, lead to them not crashing on the island...
- Locke will not walk again
- Rose may die of her cancer
- Ben may die of his cancer
- Claire may give up Aaron for adoption to the couple (incidentally... last time we saw Claire, wasn't she hanging out with Jack's father in that cabin? Where the hell is she?)
- Desmond may never see Penny again
- Jack and Kate and Sawyer and Juliet may never get together (any combination of that, really)
- Shannon, Boone, Libby, Ana Lucia, Charlie, Ethan, Charlotte, Daniel, Sayid and any number of other people wouldn't have died in the way they did
What the hell happens to all of those people? I can understand Sawyer's hesitation or outright objections. Who the hell does Jack think he is to do this? And all for KATE? Are you kidding me? If his motivation had been to save the people of Oceanic Flight 815, that would be one thing -- and I'd expect that from him. But to do it so that he has a DO-OVER with Kate?
And it's not like any of these people are going to remember what their future-selves-in-the-past did or thought or anything. Sawyer-aka-Lafleur in 1977 has no contact or whatever with James Ford of 1977, who just lost both his parents a year previously. So James Ford will still grow up and get on that plane from Sydney to Los Angeles and if he lands, he'll land back home as a con man, same as he's always been. Never knowing he was loved for who he was. Oh my God, that's so tragic!
As a sidenote, if they do his hair next season the way they did it in the pilot, I will be happy at the attention to detail and unhappy that pretty!Sawyer is not on my TV screen.
But... anyone notice that Chang's arm was injured? That's the same dude who did the Dharma videos. The same dude who, in some videos (The Flame Orientation as Mark Wickman), had a prosthetic arm. This brings up two possibilities to me:
1) Things are going exactly the way they went the first time around. (Like what Miles was saying. I loved the stunned/blank looks on people's faces when he brought up the possibility.)
2) Things have a way of happening with similar end results to how things ended up the first time around.
Oh, Lost. You hurt the brain, and it hurts so, so good.