Prop 8, Keith Olbermann, my rants.

Nov 11, 2008 09:06

I gotta say, guys, I don't get MSNBC. I live in Canada. I'm not fond of the all news networks in the US, etc, blah.

But the few Special Comments I've seen by Keith Olbermann... holy shit, do I ever respect that guy.

image Click to view

I think my favourite part, which kind of shows how far the US has come and how much of a step back Prop 8 actually was, is this:

I keep hearing this term "re-defining" marriage. If this country hadn't re-defined marriage, black people still couldn't marry white people. Sixteen states had laws on the books which made that illegal in 1967. 1967. The parents of the President-Elect of the United States couldn't have married in nearly one third of the states of the country their son grew up to lead.

From March 23rd, 2004, a few days after Quebec decreed same-sex marriage to be legal in the province:

Gay marriage in Quebec.

... and how it affects my life, personally.

Apparently, it gets me a marriage proposal.

A friend of mine and I were sitting in the library and I asked her if she'd heard that it was now legal, and she's like "what? No! Tell!". I tell her the details that I remember and she's like, "Wow!
You can get married to a WOMAN now! That's awesome!
Hey, you wanna go get married?" By this point, she was laughing, but hey. It's been a while since I've been proposed to. In jest or not, that was pretty nice. ;)

I am so THRILLED to be a gay woman living in Canada now. A year later, all of Canada was able to marry regardless of gender.

I find it so bizarre that the Americans elected an African-American to its highest office in the land and on the very same day, REVOKED marriage rights from a group that had already HAD them. Denying us marriage is one thing. REVOKING the right to marry is just too awful for words.

I get so angry, and I'm not even personally affected. But my entire minority group down in California is. That Californias REVOKED this right (and yes, I keep using, and capitalizing revoked, but REALLY... what other word is there?) from their fellow citizens. Ugh, it just makes me ill.

I started writing this around 1am and it's now 9am and I haven't slept. So I'll just finish here and put aside my rage and anger and hope I can do something constructive about all this after I've slept.

prop 8, keith olbermann, gay rights

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