Snagged from
trexphile because it's new to me, I'm bored while waiting to put my laundry in the dryer and because, well, I like memes.
Be recognized for saving 500 people's lives or be voted the #1 sexiest person in your country?
Tempting as it would be to be considered that sexy, I do believe 500 lives takes precedence. :P
Have an alarm clock that wakes you by slowly making your bed ice cold or an alarm clock that wakes you by shaking your bed violently?
This is the question that made me consider NOT doing the meme. I think both are horrible, HORRIBLE options. But probably the first, because I could get out before it got ice cold. HOWEVER, it should be a felony to make a nice, warm, cozy bed go *COLD*.
Run into a wall or fall down the stairs?
I'd take running into a wall, I think.
Be a pirate or be a ninja?
I think pirates are cooler by a significant margin, but I'd go with ninja, because I would LOVE to be that agile.
Be the #1 entertainer for four years or be President of the U.S.?
Since I am legally restrained from being President of the Unites States by virtue of being a Canadian who lives in Canada, I suppose I would go for the #1 entertainer. Although if I'd be the #1 entertainer along the lines of Britney Spears headlines, I would pass on both opportunities, thanks.
Walk on the ocean floor or jump to the moon with moonboots?
Oh my God, neither. Neither! The depths of the ocean scare the bejeezus out of me (much like Chandler's fear of Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance, scares the bejeezus out of him), but I also have a Thing about looking into infinity... I think maybe the moon, because at least maybe I could jump right back? (I love how I'm being practical about impractical questions and scenarios.)
Be a superhero or be a super villain?
Hero. Hands down. Since childhood, I've always wanted to be the hero -- Superman, He-Man, etc. Sure, they have problems, but, you know, they're THE GOOD GUYS.
Be really creative or be really intelligent?
Oh, for the ability to be really creative... I would love to look at a blank piece of paper and draw or a lump of clay and sculpt or a piano keyboard and compose...
Be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
I think that flying would keep me out of the trouble that turning invisible would. Did you see that Kevin Bacon movie, Hollow Man? His actions when invisible started out as fun, harmless, and escalated. While I don't think I'd ever go out of my mind crazy, I could see myself doing certain creepy, stalkerish things. :P
Be super famous on YouTube or win a thousand dollars?
How is this even a choice? If you're famous on YouTube, chances are it's for something BAD. Thousand bucks, pretty please.
Have cookies and milk or juice and crackers?
Milk and cookies!
Go without watching television for two weeks or without a computer for two weeks?
No television, thanks.
Have a million friends that secretly hate you or have one best friend?
Again, how is this a choice? Do people want a lot of false friends vs. one true friend? Give me my
drsnicket any day of the week. :)
Live in hot weather for the rest of your life or cold weather for the rest of your life?
Cold! Seriously. I don't do warm weather that well. I'd prefer it to be around -10 to +10, to be honest, but I'd still take -30 over +30.
Take over the Playboy mansion when Hugh Hefner dies or win the lottery?
I don't particularly enjoy the exploitation of women as sexual objects. Despite drooling over women, myself. So I would definitely win the lottery.
Be a good singer or be a good dancer?
I can't do either, but I LONG to be able to actually carry a tune, because most of my friends around me have been decent singers.
Be a famous singer or be a famous actor/actress?
Probably an actress.
Sleep with a celebrity of your choice or not have to work for five years?
When I work, it's generally work that I like. So I might actually have to pick the celebrity option here.
Win five million dollars or find true love?
Would five million dollars not aid in the search? :P If it were guaranteed, tried-and-true-forever-love... then I pick love. Although I don't know if that kind of love exists, exactly. So otherwise, I pick the money.
Live in a house on the water or live in a castle?
House on the water. I read way too many creepy mystery stories about castles, and ghosts haunting castles and secret passagesways...
Be Johnny Depp's girlfriend or have Johnny Depp's salary?
Be the same age forever or live to 100?
I hope I make it to 100. Being perpetually 31 would kind of suck, but if I knew I'd make it to 100, at least I know I wouldn't outlive every single person in my life.
Become famous for having a meltdown on YouTube or never become famous?
Never become famous. I do NOT want to be the
50 DKP minus guy.
Have lived in the 8th century or be born in the year 3000, assuming civilization still exists?
The year 3000, not even a quesiton.
Be a mad scientist or a private investigator?
Private investigator!
Have rain for a year non-stop or have nothing but suns for a year non-stop?
Sun. A year without worrying too much about my sinuses? Yes, please!
Kill your own meat or become a vegetarian?
Definitely become a vegetarian. I don't eat a lot of meat as it is anyways.
Get stuck in an elevator for 34 hours or gain 15 pounds?
Evil choices. I'd probably gain the weight.
Be too hot with all your clothes off or too cold with a winter coat on?
Probably too cold with my coat on.
Be allergic to your favorite food or never find true love?
I'd rather be allergic to anything than not have the hope of finding what I consider true love.
Be a dinosaur or be a penguin?
Dinosaur! Brontosaurus.
Be trapped in a haunted house alone or alone on a deserted island?
Desert island, hands down.
Have love but no money or have money but no love?
Love but no money.
Do Elmo workout videos or be obese?
I might break the video in two, but the workouts.
Live in Paris as a bum for a year or live in Kansas and be rich?
I need my comforts. Kansas and rich.
Get hit by a car going 8 miles per hour or fall down two flights of steps?
Let's see... car. Been there, done that.
Give up alcohol or give up your favorite food?
Give up something I never touch anyways? Hm. Yes, that one.
Skip Christmas for a year or skip your birthday for a year?
I'll skip my birthday, thanks.
Own a MAC or own a PC?
For designing, a Mac. For gaming, a PC.
Never use MySpace again or never use Facebook again?
Myspace is the devil, so I wouldn't use that.
Only eat chicken for the rest of your life or only eat beef for the rest of your life?
Me? Live without St-Hubert's?! Chicken ftw.
Date the wrong people until you meet the right one or stay single til you meet the right one?
Looks like I've already got a good start on the latter option; may as well stick with it.
Have muscular abs or have muscular arms?
If I had muscular abs, I might actually want to wear things that would show them off. So the abs.
Go to federal prison for three months or go through four years of high school all over again?
High school.
Have a bird that curses or a dog that humps things?
I hate birds and I love dogs, but I might actually go with the bird that curses on this one.
Be rich and lose it all or never become rich?
Never be rich so I don't regret losing it all.
Laundry time, then Jeopardy!, then some WoW. My life, she is thrilling at the moment.