Back to school!

Sep 06, 2005 15:01

Kind of. I feel sort of jealous. Everyone I know at school has class today. Except for me. I have Tuesdays off. Work tonight though (and Thursday and Sunday) and class tomorrow.

I am terrified of Italian. Why? BECAUSE I HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO SPEAK IT.

Seriously. Conjugation of simple verbs? All out the window. I can usually say something in the "I" form, but not ANY OTHER person. Just the title of the class "Intermediate Italian I" scares the bejeezus out of me. How can I be intermediate level when I REMEMBER NIENTE (that's "nothing") from my first two courses? Eep.

But that's my only class tomorrow. Then Thursday would be Research Design & Analysis (but I have work, so JB is going to pick up the outline, etc, for me. As such, I am not so terrified as I should be, because I don't face it until next Thursday) and then Friday is Contemporary Sociological Theory. I got an A- in the dreaded Classical Social Theory, so I am feeling relatively confident that I can kick the ass of this class as well. At the very least, the readings have GOT to be easier than wading through Kant, Weber and Marx. Right? :)

Next Monday is Italian again, along with my English class: The Creative Process. Which seems very cool.

I'm really excited to go back to school, on one hand. New classes, new stuff. But at the same time, new books, new readings, new lectures, new tests, new papers, new exams.

The plus side is this -- if I continue to do 6 credits each summer, as I did this past summer, I will graduate a FULL SEMESTER before my baby brother. As long as he doesn't do summer credits, too. Seriously, he's five years younger than me and he must not be permitted to graduate either before me or simultaneously. I must beat him. (We will not think about the fact that an ex of mine is also five years my junior and already has an MA, because I get irrationally peeved by that fact. As well as very proud, which, I must say, is a very odd combination of emotions. But anyways!)

Speaking of the brother, he's got his first class of the semester in about ten minutes. He's going to call me when it's over (or I'll just leave at 3:30 to be there for 4 anyways) so I can meet him downtown and show him where his next class is. The building, you see, is a huge-ass building, but it's not marked with anything to indicate it's a building the school uses. This was where my Italian class was last fall. The building I WALKED RIGHT BY about 17 times without knowing it was that building, because it wasn't marked ANYWHERE that it belonged to the university. My brother was like... "Where the hell is THAT building?"

"Remember how I got lost looking for Italian?"
"Oh, no."
"Can you show me where it is?"

I then said that it was between these two streets on this other street.

"... but can you show me? Please?" And then he sounded really pitiful in saying "I don't know where it iiiiiiiiis."

So, naturally, I'll go down and show him. Besides, I have to be down there for work anyways. I'm just leaving a half hour earlier.

And then work. My third-to-last shift.

And then, maybe, meeting up with JB to come back to my place to watch Weeds, which I got last night, but haven't watched yet. I'm watching it tonight, though, come hell or highwater, with or without JB.

But of course, it would be a lot more fun with JB. :)

Okay, I've procrastinated enough. Time to go get dressed.

brother, school, work, jb

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