Aug 06, 2004 11:28
Man, last night was a blast. Adrienne and Val came and picked me up around 8 and we went to get Andrea.
Then we headed out to Grand Haven for Coast Guard Festival. Lemme tell you, traffic was HORRIBLE. We had called Kayla earlier and she told us that there were a few parking spots left in Home Depot; well we got there and wouldn't you know, there wasn't. So we drove a little farther down and parked at some fast food place. We are now 3 miles from the strip.
But Andrea, she made everything effing hysterical. LOL, there was this truck full of hicks and they passed us and start yelling and honking, Andrea yells, "Thanks! I know!" The whole way there she was walking down the middle of the street trying to find boys since all the roads were closed.
The fireworks were disappointing, I dunno, I guess once you hit like 5, it's just like "Wow. Look at the fire." But let me tell you, afterward was great. We found Daniel and he hooked us up and as we're walking back to our car Andrea busts out dancing in the middle of the road and I just follow and we're rolling. Fuuun stuff.
LMAO, then she freaks out because there were cops everywhere.
Here comes the good part, Andrea and I have to pee worse than we ever have in our entire lives from chugging like a liter of coke and so we decide, eh, what the hell, this parking lots dark we'll drop our pants and pee here behind the car.
We're laughing hysterically as we climb back into the car, Adrienne and Val are just cracking up becuase they can't believe we just did what we did. Well all of a sudden we here this loud "BAAAM!"
We hit a parked car.
Then drove away.
By then we're all flustered beyond belief and traffic is horrible. So we just drive back to Val's and hang out there the rest of the night.
..we hit and ran..
Reason 1,993,485 why I'm going to hell.