An Overdue Post

Mar 03, 2009 01:56

Today it was a snow day. Two days ago it was almost 60F and now it's only 17. Usually snow days are all fun and games, but the weather really should've waited until tomorrow to convenience me. My only Monday class is modern dance which I really don't mind going to, though it was nice not having to trudge a mile in the snow. But today I had scheduled a recording session for class with a partner and his band, and I go there to discover that all the labs and studios are also closed. This may have been our only chance to record before the due date. Grr. Also, I meant to do laundry but with all the snow, I don't know easy it would be to lug the suitcase around. Though I can't put it off past tomorrow since I must do laundry before spring break. Now if the snow day had been tomorrow, then I wouldn't have to go to three classes that make up a hectic schedule and do a take-home midterm that will be handed out tomorrow. That would've been so much better. But Emerson has already decided to resume classes tomorrow and since no new snow is coming, I can't see them cancelling no matter how icy the roads are.

I've exhausted myself with both school and other stuff like WW, and I think I'm ready for the break. Luckily my semester hasn't been very stressful so far, though the work load should increase in mid-March. But I don't think it'll be as bad as last semester. Spring break is next week. Yeah, since we get out of school fairly early, our break is early too. I'm not entirely fond of an early break, since it's technically not a "spring" break, but meh. Next week should be rather interesting though...I'm looking forward to it. While I'm sad I cannot afford a return trip to Europe right now, I can still continue my quest of meeting BDers and that makes me happy. :)

Still don't know what I'm doing this summer. I'm looking for internships to apply to, so hopefully I'll find one. I'd prefer having an internship in Boston since it'd be much easier. But if I can't get one here or find something better, I'll go elsewhere. My second choice would be NYC as I'd love to live there for awhile. In fact, perhaps it'll be a location where I'll look to find a job after college. NYC is so much better than LA. Oh yeah, and I still need a job. It doesn't look like I'll get one this spring. Everyone wants someone with experience and time, neither of which I have a lot of. But if I get an internship, it'll be most likely unpaid, so I will need a summer job. Sadly a short vacation to Europe in the summer is looking less and less likely as I'm not making any money and if I do have an internship, the timing might not work out. I refuse to cancel out the possibility just yet, but it might be better to do something like that the summer after I graduate before I settle down with a career. Hmm...we'll see. I just hate not knowing what I'll be doing in two months..

weather, internships, school

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