Attempting to Get Organised

Mar 06, 2008 00:59 plans have been changed so many times this semester, it's quite frustrating. The friends I hang out with tend not to book anything until a few days beforehand, then more than once they have changed their plans last minute. Usually that happens while I'm in class or at work, so often they book everything without me leaving me to figure things out on my own. That's what happened with this whole trip to Prague. There was a conflict between two people and one decided not to go so everyone ended up splitting their own way. Of the few remaining people going to Prague, one of the girls is a very spoiled brat (never really liked her...friend of a friend) and universally decided she wasn't going to let me join them to Prague. The places everyone else was going I wasn't as interested in, and I was basically left out in all plans...quite upsetting. But I didn't want to go to Prague alone if I can avoid it, so I decided to join the friends that were planning for Austria. Tonight they decided they were too tired to go all the way there so they cancelled and now we're going to figure out something else together.

Okay, I've been trying to post up a new schedule of my plans, but things kept changing. But now it's revised and I think this is how it's going to play out...I do not want to change it again.

March 7-9 (this weekend): We decided it'd be less expensive and exhausting to simply stay in the castle and take more day trips. I'd rather do a longer trip out, but at this late stage it's probably the best idea for me anyway. We plan to head over to Cologne one day and probably The Hague for another. Nothing's been planned for sure yet, so nearby Downers, if there's any possibility and if anyone wants to meet me, do speak up. It's pretty last minute and I can't guarantee anything myself, but at least it would leave an option open as we're planning everything tomorrow night.

March 13-16: Prague. I'm trying to persuade my friends to go this weekend with me, and hopefully they will. But if I have to go alone, I will because I will not miss out on my last opportunity to go. Of course, I'd rather not be alone since it's not the safest thing to do...

March 19-24 (?): Italy. Question marks on the dates because we're doing a couple class cuts and I'm not positive when. Here's the situation: I've had to different groups invite me to come with them. One group has already booked everything on their own which means I'd have to book everything by myself and stay in a hostel room separate from them...which is annoying. Plus, they booked on British Airways, which is kind of pricey. The other group that invited me hasn't booked yet. The main disadvantage is that they plan to do Venice, Rome, and Florence, which seems a bit much for me (I'd be fine with just Rome and Florence). I don't mind seeing Venice; I just worry we'll be too rushed. Of course, these friends still haven't booked so they still might change their plans a bit. I told them I'd get back to them on Monday, though I do think I'd rather go with that latter group, but I didn't want to be tied down to a decision just yet. Either way, I'm going to Italy during Easter. I don't care if they jack up the prices then and half the stores are closed. This is the only way I can see both Florence and Rome (besides I read somewhere there are fireworks on Easter day)..

March 28-April 2: Dubrovnik. Still going to Croatia as a school. And now they sent us an email saying apparently ATMs don't exist in Dubrovnik...which means we have to exchange money beforehand. And I'll have to be careful with my spending..

April 2-6: Spain. Apparently it's also extremely difficult to get out of Croatia for cheap. I originally wanted to go to Greece, but I eventually realised I'd have to let go of that dream. Hopefully I'll get around to it in a few years. But Spain is the cheapest place to go from Croatia. I still need to book a flight, and I'm trying to get info from friends. A few friends want to attempt Barcelona, Madrid, and Lisbon, but I only want to stay in Barcelona and the surrounding area so hopefully that'll work out too.

April 10-13: Helsinki. As Lommy did ask, that is still the weekend I plan to visit Finland. I haven't booked a flight yet, though it looks like I'll have to settle with something sort of expensive. Though, does anyone know of cheap airlines that fly to Helsinki? Even better, a very cheap hostel to make up for the small fortune I will have to spend on plane tickets? (I really shouldn't be that worried about money yet, but I look at my friends who are almost out and I don't want to be in their situation...).

April 23-25: London. Still with the school.

April 25-28: Oxford. I still need to get things arranged with traveling on my own, though it's still pretty far away. I think I might just pay for a hostel in London while in Oxford in order to store all my luggage. I hate wasting money like that, but it's still cheaper than shipping a suitcase home and it's just not worth the hassle of lugging two suitcases, a backpack, and a laptop case through England.

April 28-May 8: London. Now that I've been there, I have a better idea of what I want to do. Because of my classes, I didn't get to see a lot of the museums I went to, so I plan to revisit them since they are FREE. I still need to see the Globe Theatre. There's an Alphabeat (a Danish band I like) concert in Surrey (I think), which I'd like to go to. Of course, I was originally planning to go see The Lord of the Rings musical that day since it's cheaper on Thursdays, but I'd be willing to pay more to see it on another day since I've been dying to see that musical and it's actually quite a bit cheaper than I expected. Daytrips out of London would be nice, but it all depends on what I can afford. Btw, if any BDers who live around the London area want to meet me during then, I'll have plenty of spare time on my hands...I should actually mention that on the BD site as well...

As many of you guys know, I went to Copenhagen last weekend to visit Rune and had a great time. The weeks before were kind of messy...too many places, conflicts with friends, plus my camera got stolen in Paris (I have a new one now, thankfully). It's been ages since I've properly updated and I apologise...I've just been so busy lately. But I will tell about my trips in more detail once I've got the chance...maybe this weekend since I'll only be doing day trips. We'll see. Right now I'm so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.

europe, traveling

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