Lucky Me

Nov 13, 2007 22:34

This past week has been a good one. An excellent week, in fact.

It started on Monday: I get up, check my email, and find out my first class has been cancelled. Yay! I admit, the rest of that night wasn't as great. I pulled an all-nighter studying for a test and writing a script, only to find out the next morning that the class in which the script was due had been cancelled. I wasted precious sleep, but oh well. Still, a cancelled class is always nice.

Wednesday was a great day. After getting some one-on-one help from my Film 1 professor, I headed to the Opera House to buy tickets for Wicked on Sunday, the closing day. Me and a friend were planning to go. Unfortunately, they were all sold out for all shows. The only way to get tickets, was to come 2 1/2 hours before the show and sign up for a lottery. About 10 names or so are drawn 2 hours before the show, and if you're name is drawn, you can buy up to two $25 tickets (which is a discounted price). The people who don't win, don't get to see the show at all. Well, I started to head back home since I was planning to see the show that night, when I ran into another friend with a couple of girls I didn't know; they were heading to the lottery and he invited me along. I hesitated, but after I realised I probably wouldn't be going to the lottery with that friend on Sunday anyways, I decided to join up and submit my name. And what do you know, I won! :D I got a cool little button and took along that friend to see the show with me (neither of the other two girls won, unfortunately). I never win anything, so I was really happy. I've never seen Wicked before and it was absolutely amazing. Great performance, beautiful vocal talent. After the show, I bought an expensive but super cool souvenir shirt (my mom promised to pay me back). It was a wonderful night and I was still glowing even after it was all over.

Thursday was my second try to go see that film Juno with friends. Luckily, it was at a closer theatre this time, so I wouldn't have to worry about taking the subway. I was worried I'd get there too late because of my class, but my professor wasn't feeling well, so she let us out almost an hour early. My suitemates and I did make it in time to see a funny, original, refreshing flick (it's a dark comedy about a teenage pregnancy). It comes out on December 14...go see it. As a bonus, since it was a special pre-screening, they gave us free Juno t-shirts. Yay for free clothing! :)

Saturday I went shopping for winter wear. I mainly went shoe shopping; I wanted good boots and flats I could walk in (for Europe). So, I chose to go to Sketchers. Lucky for me, there was a special sale going on. Buy two shoes, get $20 off, plus a third pair of shoes (from a selection) for free. Yay for free shoes! :) I also got gloves (fingerless and regular) for cheap, and a warm hat, which I later realised is meant to be a kids' hat (yes, my head is that small. I still need a good black scarf, but that should hopefully be taken care of soon.

Sunday, I shot my film for a fourth time. The weather was cold, but sunny and I think everything went all right. For some reason the footage counter got stuck at 85, but I'm pretty sure I got everything shot okay. It was funny because I ran into a kid from Boston University who was shooting with a bolex too and didn't know what the hell he was doing. Ha, at least I know I'm not the only one...

And now I'm all caught up. The good luck ends here, I'm afraid. I need to write half of a research paper tonight and I'm procrastinating. I don't think it should be too hard, but it will take some time and I'm lazy. Bleh.

plays, film shoot, movie theatre, shopping, school

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