The Wedding

Aug 28, 2007 01:26

This last weekend has been absolutely crazy. As I stated previously, my sister and Ian arrived Monday (with their dog) to prepare for the wedding. One of the things we had done was our nails. I'm not particularly fond of arcrylic nails, but at least they still look nice. Most family arrived Thursday, so we all had dinner together. Thirteen people...including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and gets a little crazy. Friday is where things got busy. My sister didn't want a wild bachelorette party, so instead we (bride and bridesmaids) went to Boondocks (yes, the same place I took Rune) and hung out for a few hours. Afterwards was the wedding rehearsal so that we all would know what to do. The rehearsal dinner was at a fancy restaurant with good food. We had three large tables full of people.

And then came the day of the wedding. We got up very early and headed to the hair salon. Six of us needed hair done: my sister, me, my mom, the two bridesmaids, and the best woman (who just had a baby in June who happens to be absolutely adorable). Hairstyling was from 9-1...then we headed to the church to have our makeup done and get dressed so that we'd be ready for pictures by 3. After all that, you'd think the groom's side would be ready, but they were actually late for their pictures and had to finish after the ceremony. Ian flat out refused to see Laura before the wedding, so we kept with that tradition. The ceremony started at 5. Btw, my sister was absolutely beautiful...she looked like a princess. The ceremony went wonderfully...we had under 100 guests...a decent size, but not a whole lot. The entire time I was completely nervous I'd either forget to move my sister's train, drop Ian's ring, or drop Laura's bouquet...but I did just fine. It was a tearful ceremony...parents cried, and the bride and groom were so tearful they could hardly finish their vows (joyful tears, of course) was very sweet, actually. My sister got so tearful, she started to put his ring on the wrong finger, heh. The whole thing was very touching..

After the ceremony came more pictures, then the wedding party hopped in the limo and took a long detour to the art museum (where the reception was). More beautiful photos in the rose garden, then we made our entrance. The reception went as receptions should go, the music was nice, the food was good...though we did have a problem with wasps swarming around. Speeches were made (though I didn't say anything since I hate public speaking), the bouquet thrown, and the cake cut. I spent most of my time talking with the bridesmaids, one of the groomsmen, and other guests. At one point, us bridesmaids and my younger cousin snuck off and decorated the car, hehe. At 10:30, we sent off the bride and groom, and they spent the night at one of those themed fancy hotels. I was so exhausted after I got home, I just about collapsed, but I couldn't go to sleep just yet. That night we were babysitting their chihuahua, Chilli, plus their friends' chihuahua, who happens to be best friends with Chilli. Well, we had to let them play for a little while (it was the last time the dogs would see each other for a while), and boy, I've never seen such little dogs so wild. And when I laid down, they treated me like furniture, jumping on top of me and such. But I finally went to bed and slept very hard.

We had a late start the next day, but since a lot of my close family was still around, we decided to go to the county fair for a few hours, since it was the last day for it. I enjoyed it, though I only wish we had been there longer. That day, we also found out Laura and Ian's cruise (their honeymoon) was cancelled. I'm really upset about that, and I really hope they can still have a honeymoon, though things aren't looking good. :(

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day, but it wasn't so much. I spent a couple of hours chatting with my suitemates to get to know them which was fun. My grandmother moved from the hotel to our house where she'll stay until Thursday. I wasn't sure whether I was working, so I called in and found out I was...I was rather disappointed about that. Then, getting ready I couldn't find my work shirt (and still can't) has to be somewhere around my house; that's the only place I take it on and off. So, I was late to work and had no choice but to put on a semi-dirty and worn out shirt I found in the I smell like boy. With high school started, things are very slow at work, which equals very boring.

Anyways, it is a relief to have the wedding out of the way. And yes, pictures will come when we get them from the photographer. I just have to start getting ready for school. It's less than two weeks away.

family, work, wedding

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