Many Memes

Jun 10, 2007 02:10

Sixth's Meme:

1. What do you think of Winston Churchill? Mmm...I don't know.
2. Do you play a sport? Which? Does dancing count? I love to dance, and finally the dance company at my school is starting up in the fall.
3. Ever got in MASSIVE trouble? e.g. the law, expelled... nah...I'm a goodie goodie.
4. Where were you born? St. Luke's hospital, in Boise, ID, USA
5. How much time do you spend on the computer every day? 3+ hours normally
6. Now answer that question truthfully... I'm being honest, I swear!
8. Which one; Monty Python or Doctor Who? Never seen Doctor Who, so Monty Python it is.
9. How many times have you read LOTR? Umm...four, I think. I know, that's probably not enough for a BDer.
10. To be or not to be? to be
11. Did you realise there was no number 7 on this list? Ehh...I don't care...
12. Apart from Tolkien, do you have one overriding obsession? Hmmm....I'm a movie buff
13. Doth thou roleplay? On the BDs, yes. Though, the current RPG I'm in doesn't currently seem to be going anywhere...I haven't posted since January (oops)....
14. Have you ever emailed/instant messaged a workmate/schoolmate who is like right next to you? that's
15. Right wing or Left? far left
16. R U USE CH@ TALK? Huh?
17. What is your philosophy? Me? Have a philosophy?
18. Where is the furthest place from home you've ever been? Either Orlando or Boston.
19. Where are your descendants from? Greece, Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany
20. Are you a heavy consumer? I can be...
21. Do you watch many films? yep, I just rented three films and bought one...hehe
22. Do you like cheese? Love it.
23. How many forums/websites are you a member of? BDs, Facebook, LJ, Myspace...I'm also a member of a few forums I haven't visited in several years.
24. Ever entered your password in the microwave? nope
25. What is a very hot temperature over there? Anywhere from 90-100+ F (32-38 C ). It usually hits those temperatures in July and August.


(001) Your gender: female.

(002) Straight/gay/bi?: straight

(003) Single?: yes

(004) Want to be?: Nope

(005) Age?: 18 (almost 19 *starts counting the days*)

(006) Age you wish you were: 21 (then I can drink legally. Wheee! )

(009) The color of your eyes: green

(010) Piercings: ears

(012) Tattoos: I will have one very soon...


(013) Smoke: no

(015) Read the newspaper: only if I see an interesting article

(017) Talk to strangers who IM you: well, I wouldn't consider the BDers I IM as strangers...

(018) Take walks in the rain: sure

(019) Drive: yes, all the time

(020) Like to drive fast?: of course

(021) Hurt yourself: only when I'm really really upset....that doesn't happen often


(022) Been out of the country: I've been to Canada once. And I can't wait to travel across the Atlantic.

(023) Been in love: with my pets. :P

(024) Done drugs: Haven't touched them, and I don't intend to.

(025) Gone skinny dipping: no

(026) Had a surgery: nope

(027) Ran away from home: nah

(028) Played strip poker: again, no

(029) Gotten beat up: by my sister...

(031) Been on stage: I used to dance on stage all the time.

(032) Slept outdoors: I've camped in a tent several times...

(034) Pulled an all-nighter: many times...stupid essays

(036) Talked on the phone all night: no

(038) Slept all day: I've slept til 6:30pm before, heh

(039) Killed someone: Yes...I mean, no. ;)

(040) Made out with a stranger: No

(041) Had sex with a stranger?: No

(042) Kissed the same sex: No

(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex? No.

(044) Been betrayed: probably

(045)Broken the law: yep...who hasn't?

(047) Been on radio/tv: When I was young...and it was embarrassing!
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: Nope...I've heard many stories about them from my roommate, and I'm really not interested
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: close to it

(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance:

(051) Had a dream that kept coming back:

(052) Favorite shoe brand?: Anything from Payless

(053) Favorite music: Medieval Baebes, Damien Rice, Postal Service, Evanescence, Green Day, Black Eyed Peas, Sarah MacLachlan...the list goes on...

(054) Wear hats: Sometimes. Everyone tells me I look awsome in all hats. I should wear them more.

(055) Judged other people by their clothing: hmm maybe

(057) Are you trendy: My sister just told me I'm dressing really trendy...probably something I picked up while at college. But I don't wear it because everyone else does...I just really like the style, plus I look good in it.


(058) Life on other planets: sure

(059) Miracles: ok

(060) Astrology: yeah

(061) Magic: no

(062) God: yes

(063) Love: definitely

(064) Ghosts: yes, I am fascinated by the paranormal

(065) Rebirth: no

(066) Love at first sight: ehh...not really

(067) Ying and Yang?: heh?

(068) Witches: yes

(069) The Easter Bunny: no

(071) Do you consider love a mistake: no

(072) What do you find romantic: In theory: being happy, harmless flirting, stargazing, walking on the beach, the rain

(074) Turn-offs: carelessness in hygiene, arrogance, conservatives, stupidity, rudeness

(075) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: no

(076) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: no

(077) What is best about the opposite sex?: men lack the cattiness that I hate about females

(078) What is the last present someone got you?: I haven't had a gift in a long time...

(079) Do you like/love someone?: Didn't we have this question before?


(080) That you laughed at: a fellow employee who's kind of an idiot

(081) That laughed at you: I don't know...

(082) That turned you on: hmm..

(082.5) That kissed you: nobody

(083) That you went shopping with: my mom and sister

(084) To disappoint you: no one recently

(085) To make you cry: my mom

(086) To brighten up your day: I don't know...

(087) You saw a movie with: my friend, Liz

(088) You talked to on the phone: my mom

(090) You talked to on text message: Rune

(091) Your best friend(s): I don't have one best friend, I have many friends...

(092) Smiled: I smile a lot

(093) Laughed: a few hours ago

(094) Cried: a few days ago

(095) Bought something: a few hours ago

(096) Danced: March *weeps* I wanna dance!

(097) Who is your crush: Me have a crush? :P

The Harry Potter one:

1. What form will your boggart assume?

A spider...ick

2. Which Harry Potter magical object would you like to have?

a Portkey

3. If you could learn one spell or potion, which would it be?

Hmm...I'll go with everyone else. Accio!

4. Which three Hogwarts subjects would you like to take? Why?

Defense Against the Dark Arts
Magical Creatures

5. Do you think Dumbledore is still alive? Why or why not?

No...he is very dead.

6. Is there/ Could there be a traitor still within the Order of the Phoenix? Who?

Maybe, though I doubt it.

7. What do you predict will happen in Book 7?

Voldemort dies, Harry lives. I think Snape will ultimately sacrifice his life for of those evil who turns to good archetypes...

8. Create your Harry Potter ending.

Above would be a nice ending. I wouldn't mind if Ginny died...I don't really like her.

So, Brinniel, your LiveJournal reveals...

You are... 0% unique and 44% herdlike (partly because you, like everyone else, enjoy writing). When it comes to friends you are normal. In terms of the way you relate to people, you are keen to please. Your writing style (based on a recent public entry) is conventional.
Your overall weirdness is: 10
(The average level of weirdness is: 27.
You are weirder than 15% of other LJers.)

Find out what your weirdness level is!

What?! I'm not unique?! *growls*

-[ Brinniel ]-

Assassinated the worst president in American history

'What will you be remembered for?' at

Ahem...well, I better get going on that. ;)

Your Score: The Talented Novice

Conditions met: 62%. Talent: at least 62%. Possible advantages: 37%. Mastery: about 39%

With sharp senses and an imagination that constantly wanders, you'd make for a great Lucid Dreamer. With a bit of practice, you'll be there in no time. You definitely got the talent!

Conditions: Your sleeping habits are average; there's room for improvement, but all in all, it should be no problem. If you did well in the other categories, it will hardly bother you if there is one candle missing here and there, and you certainly won�t miss the potpourris or �Soothing Ocean Sounds Vol. 3�-CD either. Not ideal if you are still learning, though.

Talent: Sensual and intuitive, you are most likely going to have the least trouble learning how to lucid dream, and your dreams will certainly be vivid enough to make it an experience to remember. Good for those who want to learn how to Lucid Dream in order to go on a sex-spree with their favourite novel characters. Don�t forget to pat the book before you go to sleep though. Unless you have serious trouble sleeping, it will come to you very easily.

Advantages: You may experience difficulties in taking as well as keeping control. Maybe you should try giving yourself a break from hard work to do something creative, or treat yourself to a relaxing activity of some sort; it will certainly do you good even if you don't aim for Lucid Dreams.

Mastery: You are just beginning to learn about Lucid Dreaming, and that�s okay � every journey has its first step. If your sleeping conditions are ideal, it will be a very successful first step. By writing down your dreams you will remember more details each time. If you contemplate things around you with high awareness the intensity of sensations within dreams will increase. You should try asking yourself 10 times or so per day if you are dreaming, and if you make this a habit, you may continue doing it in your dreams, which can trigger a lucid dream. (Thanks Third Eye for this info! It was taken from this book.)

Every journey..., The Mystery, The Restless Novice, The Restless Master, The Troubled Novice, The Troubled Master, The Sleepless Novice, The Sleepless Master, The Novice, The Master, The Skilled Novice, The Skilled Master, The Talented Novice, The Talented Master, The Promising Novice, The Lucid Dreamer, The Healthy Novice, The Healthy Master, The Versed Novice, The Diligent Master, The Gifted Novice, The Dowered Master, The Enigma, The Master of Dreams

Link: The Lucid Dreaming Test written by Nitsuki on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Your Score: INFP - the Healer
You scored 27% I to E, 15% N to S, 28% F to T, and 52% J to P!

You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more feeling based than thinking based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than having a plan. Your type can best be summarized by the word "Healer", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. You have a capacity for caring that is deeper than most. You strive for unity, are fascinated by the battles between good and evil, and can be something of an idealist. Only 1% of the population shares your type.

As a romantic partner, you are usually supprtive and nuturing, however, you have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to you as you are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes you resist confronting your partner directly about problems. When you get angry, you usually blame yourself, rather than your partner. You can also be stubborn and unyielding when you feel you are being criticized or mistreated. You feel the most appreciated when your partner listens to you carefully. You need to be understood. You need to hear your partner express their feelings, the more often, the better.
Your group summary: idealists (NF)

Your type summary: INFP

Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test


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