I Win the Worst Day Award!

Mar 03, 2007 05:54


I am in such a fucking back mood. Today's been absolutely terrible, and right now I'm in a roller coaster of emotions.

The funny thing is that last night went so great. I saw a dance show with a friend, which was enjoyable. Then my suitemates were given a half bottle of vodka and were mixing it with juice. I decided try some, and actually it wasn't too bad (and still it was very bad vodka!). No, I didn't get drunk (I didn't have much), but a couple of my suitemates did, particularly one, which kept us quite entertained. I did end up with a headache later, but still it was good fun...I finally loosened up and interacted more with my suitemates than I typically do.

My day really got bad went I hit the airport. First of all, it was a rainy day in Boston, so I quickly got soaked hitching a cab. Then I reach the check-in booth and find out since I'm flying through multiple airlines, I must check-in two different places. The people at United told me I could check-in for my flight Seattle to Boise, even though I was in Boston, and since my flight was scheduled to be a half hour late, I decided to take the ten minute walk to the other terminal. There I discover Herizon Air, where I needed to check-in, wasn't even open yet, and even if it was, they couldn't check me in from Boston. So, I took the ten minute walk back, realizing I had wasted my time. I go to the security checkpoint, and the fucking TSA people tell me that my carry-on is too big! Okay, I know that bag is slightly bigger than most carry-ons, but I have carried it on before and it fit just fine, so there was no reason for them to reject it. So, I had to go back to United and check-in that bag as well.

I've decided never to fly United again. I have never been on a flight of theirs that left on time, and usually it's for ridiculous reasons. My half hour delayed flight to Denver ended up leaving over an hour late, for reasons I'm not even sure. That same plane was supposed to land in Denver and then take off again for Seattle, thus saving me the stress of switching planes. But then last minute, I'm told that things have been changed and I have to switch planes after all. The other plane was only two gates away, so it wasn't too bad, though I was one of the last to board due to our lateness. I originally thought that this flight from Denver to Seattle was delayed for us who needed to connect, but I later learned it was in fact due to mechanical problems. We sat on the plane for two hours as they kept telling us we'd get the problem resolved and take off soon. Then we're told the problem can't be solved and they have to find another plane for us. We unboard and wait...and wait. The problem suddenly gets fixed and we board again. Four and a half hours after the scheduled time, we finally take off. I arrived in Seattle at 11:45. My flight from Seattle to Boise was at 8:50 (and of course on time). Since there were no more flights with Horizon Air to Boise, I am stuck here alone overnight. My mom got me booked for a flight at 6:40am, and until then I must wait.

It's currently 3:20am. The airport is deserted. And I sit here with my laptop (my mom was kind enough to pay for internet access while I'm here). I slept in two days (aside from the awkward sleep on the plane). I look like crap. I feel like crap.

Tonight I finally get online only to discover I've been lynched in WW. Normally, I really wouldn't mind...I actually expected it to happen today. And after all, it's just a game. But I've already been through such a horrible day and under way too much emotional stress, I'm using this as an excuse to feel especially bitter. Not exactly the mood I want be in...in fact I want to be very positive about WW, because I really did enjoy my time in it....but right now I'm finding that the slightest thing is setting me off.

In fact, I find I get very emotional whenever I travel. It's way more stressful than it should be. It makes me wonder why I decided to go to school so far away. Oh, right...because all Idaho schools suck!

I just want to go home and go to sleep. Perhaps cry my eyes out....I'm such an emotional wreck- maybe I'll feel better once I let it all go. Anyways, maybe getting killed off of WW is a blessing...now I won't spend spring break glued to my computer. Perhaps I'll stop being a lazy ass and actually go out and do stuff...now that would be a change!

Urgh...I'm in such a sour mood. I need to get rid of these feelings and be happy again!

werewolf, traveling, airports

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