
Mar 07, 2011 17:19

Three days of antibiotics and I'm not sure I'm any better.  The pressure in my lungs is better, I think, or maybe I'm just getting used to it.  Still break into coughing fits any time I do anything other than sit still.  This doesn't go very well as a teacher.  :(

The vertigo remains, and is a rather interesting experience, so I figured I'd outline a few things of the experience.

It hits worst when I lay down, or turn over.  It's particularly bad laying flat on my back or on my left side.  Right side and stomach isn't as bad.  I assume this is connected to which ear is more infected.  Next worst is when I stand up or something.

Now that I've gotten used to it, I can just lay (or sit) quietly and watch the world spin.  It usually lasts for about a minute when I lay down, about 15 seconds when I get up.  (And recurs when I move.)  Closing eyes results in the sense that I'm going to fall off the bed.  Given that I'm laying in bed when it's the worst, my visual point of reference is the window.  It tends to jump around (vertical up/down) at a range of about 5 feet.. I can point a finger at it and that somehow seems to stabilize it.  The sense of motion is still there, and everything else jumps, but the thing I'm pointing at holds still.  I find that curious.

I need to think of other weird random experiments to test with this whole thing while I'm here, I think....


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