37 days until RENT!
i just found out that the biology ap book that i'm using now is the same one that U of I uses, so thats been my silver lining in the cloud of reading 20 pages a night
yesterday was fun, i went to pac sun(my favorite clothing store) and bought over a hundred dollars of clothes, which was only 2 jackets and a pair of jeans and the jackets were on sale too, so in conclusion pac sun is a rip off but not as bad as hollister or abercrombie and Bitch
Wicker man
so i saw this movie yesterday, it was okay, some of the things they did that were suposed to be suspensful was funny so it kinda ruined the horror part. the plot was interesting though, it was an island of females that based their entire society on bees and they kill their drones(males) by burning them in a wicker man cage thing, this movie was actually a remake of a 70's british movie. and after i looked into it a bit more (wikipedia of course) i found out it was LOOSELY based on a celtic neopagan cult, again LOOSELY